
Monday, April 8, 2024


Just as I was all set to start some serious work on my sweatshirt jacket, a few things jumped ahead in priority.

Years ago I some amazing paper-pieced greeting cards; I wanted to try making some myself.  So I bought windowed cards but never got around to piecing fabric to go in them.  Then I made a handful of postcards (most of them during this year's Project Quilting).  They're a bit bulky for the cards, but I can squeeze them in.  This lets me send the card with a personal note, then allows the recipient remove and keep the artwork, or pass it along to someone else.  I've added a sticker to the card:  Mini quilt is a postcard.  Keep it! Regift it!  Extra envelope provided.  Now I need to start sending them to people!

I've been wanting to change the cover for my pressing table for a while.  I bought two different fabrics when I converted the table a few years ago.  The heavy canvas I picked started to look dingy.  I came across the other fabric when digging through my stash.  Suddenly I realized the canvas was perfect for another project - so I pulled it off the ironing table and spent an evening sewing together the new cover.  It's more subdued but it looks nice.


So I transformed the old ironing cover into a new wood carrier.  I'm sure it will get lots of use.  The shopping bag has been kicking around in my closet for years - it works good for kindling.

A new carrier plus a new look for the ironing station, as well as using a bit of my stash and using what I've already made.  Not bad.

I wrapped up this week's two color mystery pieces (lower right).  It created a whole stack of extra 1¾-inch squares to go with the ones I made last week.  Maybe I'll make a mug rug with that.  I'm told we start assembling the mystery blocks next week.  Can't wait to see what they all look like together! 


I did get time to work on my original project!  These strips will all go together to become my sweatshirt jacket.  I need to spend a little time arranging them (I see too many of the same blue fabric clumped together).  But I'm hoping to start stitching them together this week.  We're supposed to have some good weather and my garden desperately needs some attention.  Maybe I'll get some time towards the end of the week. 


  1. The mystery pieces all prepped and ready to go. I'm looking forward to seeing how all your piecing goes together. Those greeting cards are cool.

  2. Fun projects! People are going to love getting your cards. The wood carriers were a great way to reuse the ironing board cover, too. Have fun with the mystery and your sweatshirt project! I hope you get some more sewing time this week!

  3. Well done on the greeting cards and repurposing the ironing cover. I love the colors in the mystery...can't wait to see it come together.

  4. Love your cards. Such a great idea to add your postcards. I love how you repurposed your ironing cover. Great projects!

  5. Hi Sally, what wonderful projects you're working on! I'm glad to see the blocks that I haven't made yet for the 2 Colour Mystery Quilt! Love your postcards. What a great idea. You re-used your ironing cover fabric really well. It's great that it's still useful!

  6. How clever you are to repurpose that cover. I could use that bag for sticks here. Wonderful blocks Sally. And what a neat idea those post cards are! Again that is where your creativity shines through...I wouldn't have a clue how to achieve these kinds of finishes. They will be loved.


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