
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Headboard Headway

I'm still working on Mom's headboard.  It's been really difficult figuring out how to quilt this two color mystery quilt.  Even after deciding to straight line quilt it, I changed my mind about the pattern at least twice.  

I got started last week.  It looks alright, but not inspired.  I'm hating the process though.  Save me.  I haven't used a walking foot in ages, so the first two sections are all ripply.  Probably need to rip those and do it again.  I don't like the machine I'm quilting on (it's the only one with a walking foot).  There's so many stops and starts.  I can't wait to have it done and I'm only halfway through it.  Ugh.

As discouraging as the quilting has been, building the frame was a joy.  I got a chance to play with my dad's table saw I brought home last fall (and wondered if I'd ever use it).  We spent the evening measuring and cutting pieces.  I assembled the frame the next day.  Everything fit together and square on my first attempt (I checked like three times because I couldn't believe it).  Now it just needs the finished quilt.  I'm getting there!




  1. I feel your pain re the sewing machine, the walking foot and the hissy fits a machine has. Quilting a quilt on a machine can be torture. =) That said though, the diagonal quilting lines look great on the design. This is going to look fabulous as a bed headboard, Sally. The blue and white, and the design are so pretty. You've done a great job with building the frame.

  2. I'm sorry that you're running into trouble with the walking foot, and wish I could give you some advice! On my machine you can adjust the presser foot pressure, and that does help with ripples. The quilt design looks great, though, and so glad to hear the frame went together so nicely!

  3. The quilt is beautiful! Blue and white never fail. Sorry you're having problems with the quilting. As LPQ suggested; it may help adjusting the presser foot pressure, if possible. Great job on the frame!

  4. I love the quilt for the headboard. I've used a walking foot but only on small projects. I wish I could help. The frame looks so good. I would have no idea how to put that together. I'm sure it will work out just fine.

  5. I'm sorry the blue & white quilt is being difficult. It's simply mesmerizing to look at.

  6. A table saw is a very useful tool, isn't it? When I was building my original screen porch, I was offered the loan of a table saw and having it right here when needed
    made ALL the difference. I had to give it back eventually, and it was the same feeling as when I had to give back the Stratocaster that I borrowed from a fellow-musician many, many years ago.


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