
Thursday, May 16, 2024

I Like Thursday: May Musings

May!  Already so chock-a-block full I'm writing my Like post before the end of the month!  Time to share with LeeAnna and friends at I Like Thursday

Ahhh... first kayak outing of the year.  A beautiful evening, and early enough in the season the pond wasn't choked with weeds.  I love being able to explore the nooks and crannies along the edge of the pond (and check out the beaver lodges). 

Mom and I attended a quilt show in Springfield.  Teal and brown turns out to be a stunning combination.  The wool applique popped against the black background.  I really liked the rainy barnyard scene.  The last was a block swap quilt.  I really liked the colors on that, too.  (Unfortunately I'm posting these without who did them - I did not get clear photos of the cards.)

Montague celebrates May Day on the first Sunday of the month, rain or shine!  It rained before it started, drizzled as they paraded down the street, but pretty much held off for the duration of the singing and dancing around the May pole.  A good crowd for a soggy looking day.

The May Day celebration offered flowers again this year to make garlands.  I love the flowers I picked to crown my head - but I did a better job with last year's hat).  I stuck my flowers in little vases when I got home.  They were so beautiful - I was able to enjoy most of them for the week.

We ordered this custom table from Wood You Build It several weeks ago and it arrived on Thursday!  Turned out just as promised and as you can see, I wasted no time in putting it to use.  It looks so nice in our kitchen.

Sewing projects are rolling along.  I've decided how to quilt the headboard and found scrap wood in the garage to make the frame.  I'm binding the cuffs on my jacket.  

Mom came with me on a trip to Swanson's for buttons.  We made a donation so I was allowed to browse the donation room to swap.  I came home with over 11 yards of fabric; nearly all of it from the donation room.  Wowza - not what I intended.  Bought the buttons, too, which was my original goal. 

Mom got her car!  Red - her favorite color.  I am so happy we've successfully finished that task.  It was a group effort.

My garden has lovely flowers I usually don't cut and bring in.  However, these irises are growing up right under my kitchen window, so I don't get a chance to admire them as much as I'd like.  I clipped them on Monday.  Aren't they amazing? 

I remember when I first heard about this Secret Mall Apartment when I lived close by.  Crazy story.  And now there's a documentary about it. 

And that's my first half of May - who knows where it will end up!


  1. You got some gorgeous fabric in the swap! Fun! I will definitely watch that documentary. It sounds so interesting!

  2. I'm glad you brought those irises in. They're too pretty not to be enjoyed. I've always known there was a thing called May Day, but I don't think I've ever been to of known of an actual celebration with dancing around the May pole. I'm glad to know it really does happen somewhere.

  3. You've been busy! The kayak outing looks like a beautiful time. I love the new table for your kitchen, too - very handy! It's so nice to have fresh flowers in the house. Happy mid-May!

  4. You've been quite active! That table looks perfect for your kitchen. It's such a great addition. It sounds like you got lots of great fabric. The quilts from the Springfield show are gorgeous. I'm looking forward to seeing your jacket!

  5. What a great post, Sally. I enjoyed it all...back to kayaking, your Mom and her new car, the quilts so pretty, another lovely table, big score on the fabric, those gerberas and the colour of those irises! And a documentary to check out. Thanks!!

  6. You look as happy as a lark, Sally, in your kayak, exploring all the little nooks and crannies! Those quilts at the show are beautiful and yes, teal and brown are always the best of friends. Your kitchen table is fabulous; it fits in perfectly with your new kitchen. I hate the very thought of having to purchase a new car. It always seems to be such an exhaustive process

  7. I read your lovely post but apparently didn't comment. I started to read today and said to myself if Mom's red car is here I've read this before. :) I love it that you are kayaking again. We actually looked at a small kayak type thing to use on our little pond. I love the exercise aspect. Beautiful quilts-thanks for sharing. Fabulous table, Sally.

  8. And there you are in your kayak, just as I imagined :) Those iris (irises? I'm never sure) are stunning! Mine haven't put up stems yet but I have high hopes based entirely on the leaves.


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