
Thursday, June 27, 2024

I Like Thursday: Jumpin' June

June is flying by (although the heat last week slowed things down a bit).  Lots of good stuff happened.

I've been really enjoying the garden.  It's been a good spring for growing and for the first time in two years the yard is not overrun with ticks.  I'm finally getting the hang of the garden's rhythm and I can identify many more plants than I could when we first moved in.

I'm not the only one enjoying the yard:  look at all that grass (and clover) and one bitty bun.  He's behaving better than the deer (who decided to lop off two mallow plants and a sunflower that had been doing so well).

Rob was amused the other day when he walked in the door to find the loveseat on its back as I pulled off some of the upholstery.  Instead of losing my Fitbit key in the cushions like a normal person, I managed to wedge the little plastic piece between the back and the arm of the loveseat.  Each time I reached for it, it slid farther down the side until it landed underneath the springs at the base.  I tried tipping and even shaking the loveseat, but the little plastic bit stayed tantalizingly out of reach before disappearing altogether.  Shoot.  Luckily I only had to rip out three staples to peel back the bottom enough to locate the bugger.  That will teach me to leave it on the ironing table where it doesn't belong.  I'm just glad I found it (it would have driven me crazy if I hadn't!). 

Rob finds it entertaining to watch me yell at the deer when they're in my garden.  (The deer are generally blasé when I crank open the window and inquire what they're doing there.)  Rob will purposely call me over to the window just to see my reaction.  I made him promise to do more than watch them eat my plants while I was away at Chick Yoga Weekend.  He sent me this photo - and told me he did indeed chase her off.  I don't know who is cheekier - Rob or the deer.

The yoga weekend at Kripalu was lovely.  I had a chance to spend time with my friends and taking time for myself.  Such a beautiful place.  I'm always amazed how quickly the three days fly by. 

Headboard finished and delivered.  Time to tackle my next quilting project! 

I paddled by this itty bitty tree-stump island the last time I went kayaking.  With the little tree, bushes and flowers it looked like a cultivated bonsai.  Pretty neat, eh?

I wrapped up the month up by spending some time with friends, watching some intense thunderstorms in the sunroom with Rob (and getting about four inches of rain), and reconfiguring the rain barrels (which included standing out in the rain like a loon).  We've been pretty happy with the new air conditioning (although we could have done without the heat and humidity in the first place).  Yeah, it's been another banner month.

I'll finish off my likes with a few music videos I found entertaining.  There's this country version of Walk Like an Egyptian.  How about Cat Singing Blues?  Or music that includes scissors and a sewing machine?  And do you know of Caravan Palace?  I am totally hooked on their most recent album:  Gangbusters Melody Club.

Linking up with LeeAnna and friends at I Like Thursday.  Thanks for dropping by.


  1. Giggles, Walk Like an Egyptian done country style! Fun!

  2. Those are some fun videos that you found! Glad you did find your key for the Fitbit. I could send you mine because I don't use that Fitbit anymore, but still have it! Let me know if you need one. It would be wonderful to see the deer, but not if they eat your garden plants!

  3. So glad you got your Fitbit key! I love seeing wildlife but not if they're eating our plants! We have our vegetable garden surrounded by some sort of fencing. So annoying!!

  4. What a beautiful headboard! Glad you found that Fitbit. Anything else found while the couch destruction occurred? Lol! I hate when the deer eat my plants too but they are so gosh-durn cute!


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