Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Kripalu 2024

There's nothing like a weekend away at Kripalu (which I can't believe was a whole week ago).  Beautiful area, great food, even better company and some yoga to top it off.   

Each time I go there's always interesting things to discover and rediscover.  This time I found a tiny little shrine by the parking lot.  I wondered how long it had been there and I had just passed it by.  I rediscovered a few places that I love - swinging chairs and hidden shrines (although I found out a few shrines had been taken down).  The hammocks were new!  I got a chance to spend some time in one of them, swinging in the breeze and watching the clouds.  To top it off, there was so much green!  We usually come before the wisteria is in bloom; I enjoyed sitting under the purple blooms.

Weather was cool.  Some rain on Sunday (alas, no Qigong on the Lawn), but lots of sun in between.  Our group did a lot of hiking and enjoying the grounds.  Some of us went kayaking and one gal managed to squeeze into the very popular archery class.  So many fun wonderful ways to spend the day. 

They've let the lawn grow.  It was interesting how many different plants were growing out there.  Some of the grass was chest high, and some little flowers were patches only a few inches tall.  There was a lot of pink and white out there with all the greens.

One of the classes I attended was to listen to the land.  It gave me a chance to really look at the trees and enjoy the lawn where the Shadowbrook mansion used to stand.  The trees and the sky and wind. 

Such an amazing space.


Lots of familiar faces and one newbie, too!  There's a few of us that have been coming here together since 2003.  This year I managed to bring home and retain some of the calm and contentment.  Plus I took an extra day off to ease back into the "real" world.  I will certainly do that again.

Can't wait to do it again next year!




  1. What a great place to visit! It sounds like you had a great time.

  2. Looks like a beautiful place, and your time there sounds so enjoyable! I like the idea of taking time to listen to the trees, sky, and wind - we should all do that. Glad you were able to bring some of that peaceful time home, too.

    1. Salty Pumpkin aka May here. I can't leave comments unless I reply to another commenter.
      Lovely place. It would make for a really nice family gathering.

  3. Just look how happy you look in the photo, Sally. It was definitely "good for you" as we used to say to spend relaxed time in those lovely surroundings with like minded people. Sounds like my kind of get away too.


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