Thursday, July 25, 2024

I Like Thursday: Summer

It's Thursday - time for some the things I liked this month!  Not so fond of the of hot, steamy, wet days so far.  I'm hoping for a little less humidity for the next weekend.  We'll see.  But lots of things that perked me up this month!

Ghost (the deer) stopped by a few times.  One evening a fawn trotted up to Ghost and tried nursing, much to Ghost's surprise (and annoyance).  What is this little pipsqueak trying to do?!?  I hope the fawn found his mom.  I've seen him a few times since.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Feather Flimsies

In less than a week I have two complete sides of a quilt!

I shuffled around a few feathers but mostly kept with my original layout.  Nearly all the feathers were cut from strip blocks, which resulted in six feather pieces that had the same color layout:  three from top-to-bottom and three bottom-to-top.  When I pieced left and right together, I got a set of unique feathers.  I was amused, though, that after I stitched them all together, I can see two sets of rights and two sets of left next to each other.  I guess that means this is truly random. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

A Floor Full of Feathers

Ooh - feathers all over my floor!

I spent a few hours over the weekend digging in the garden.  Then it got too hot, humid and rainy so I switched over to sewing.  I have 25 completed feathers!  That's one more than I need.  I'm in the layout stage.  What fun!

The feathers went together so smoothly and consistently.  In my last post I had questioned if I printed the pattern correctly; given how nicely everything lined up, these have to be the correct size.  Pretty, aren't they?

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Test Feathers

I've finished a couple of test blocks - enough that I'm comfortable with the pattern and ready to cut the rest of the fabric.  The finished quilt dimensions make it appear the block is 18 x 9" finished, but no matter how I set my printer settings, I get it to print a pattern that produces a 17½ x 8¾" block.  I never noticed before (and it didn't matter for the wall quilts I made).  So I'll roll with that.  A slightly shorter quilt is fine and if it feels too skinny, I can add one more feather (or a bit more background) across. 

I added extra fabric to the pieces of one of my test blocks, to make the finished 18 x 9" block.  But the extra work and trying to resize the pattern pieces wasn't worth the effort (and it will be easy to cut that down to the same size as the other).  Now that I am comfortable with the process, I'll be sewing strips and cutting feathers this weekend!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Feathers to the Front of the Line

My "cleanup" projects are stacking up.  I have overflowing bags of strings and crumbs and selvedges that I really want to work on.  However... my next throw quilt is anxiously telling me I need to get started now if I have any hope to have it completed by the end of July.  Which I'd like to do without rushing any of it, knowing that I always run into unexpected snags.  I started reviewing the instructions, templates and fabrics so I can dive into the work.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

I Like Thursday: Jumpin' June

June is flying by (although the heat last week slowed things down a bit).  Lots of good stuff happened.

I've been really enjoying the garden.  It's been a good spring for growing and for the first time in two years the yard is not overrun with ticks.  I'm finally getting the hang of the garden's rhythm and I can identify many more plants than I could when we first moved in.

I'm not the only one enjoying the yard:  look at all that grass (and clover) and one bitty bun.  He's behaving better than the deer (who decided to lop off two mallow plants and a sunflower that had been doing so well).

Monday, June 24, 2024

Observations and Tweaks

My trip to Kripalu gave me a chance to play with a couple of my recent projects:  a yoga mat and a water bottle carrier.

Overall I've been really pleased with the yoga mat's performance.  I have been using it sporadically at home the last several months and brought it to my yoga weekend for a good workout.  

I had already made modifications to the grippy sections (by adding on those triangle sections above the chevron) after a week or two.  The center tends to stretch because the block bias runs top to bottom.  It would have been better with a  different pattern and likely a solid, unpieced back.  It creeps about on the rug a bit.  That's fine at home, but I was afraid it would really slide on the hardwood/linoleum floors at Kripalu.  

While I was there I placed my mat over one of their yoga mats, which stayed put really well.  On the one hand, that kind of defeats the purpose of making my own mat.  However, it made me happy to take my classes on such a colorful mat (and I dislike the way their mats smell). 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Half and Half Headboard

I finally finished my Two Colour Mystery quilt (the pattern is now officially called Half and Half).  It's been a fun and frustrating project as I tried new things and experimented.  

This was my first time participating in a mystery quilt.  I was intrigued when Joanne announced the two color mystery quilt on Canuck Quilter.  I have always enjoyed watching others' progress with mystery quilts, but haven't had the time nor faith in my color selection to participate myself.  But only two colors?  Hard to go wrong with that.  

Around the same time, my mother had asked for a wall hanging to cover the wall above her new full-sized bed.  (Interestingly enough, not a quilt for the bed itself... how long before she hints about that?  LOL)  Excellent.  I could join in on the mystery quilt and know what I was doing with it.  I let my mom pick out two fabrics from my stash and set to making the baby sized blocks.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Kripalu 2024

There's nothing like a weekend away at Kripalu (which I can't believe was a whole week ago).  Beautiful area, great food, even better company and some yoga to top it off.   

Each time I go there's always interesting things to discover and rediscover.  This time I found a tiny little shrine by the parking lot.  I wondered how long it had been there and I had just passed it by.  I rediscovered a few places that I love - swinging chairs and hidden shrines (although I found out a few shrines had been taken down).  The hammocks were new!  I got a chance to spend some time in one of them, swinging in the breeze and watching the clouds.  To top it off, there was so much green!  We usually come before the wisteria is in bloom; I enjoyed sitting under the purple blooms.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Spring Pignic 2024

A pignic!  First one I've been to since October 2019.  It was a small gathering of maybe a handful of boars and twice as many sows.  Members of the Pig Patrol reminisced about a pignic from years ago that had over 70 guinea pigs attend (and who knows how many humans).  This year's event hearkened back to our very first pignics.

It was great to see each of the Pig Patrol people in action.  I was also amused that my original Dustpan of Doom™ has been duplicated (and they both came in handy).  For those not familiar with the device:  a human should never stick a bare hand to separate guinea pig disagreement.  They're likely to come with worse wounds than any of the guinea pigs.  The dustpan can be inserted between the opposing parties, and as they wonder how this blue wall appeared, one of the pigs can be safely scooped up or convinced to go elsewhere.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

I Like Thursday: May's Finishing Touches

Gardening seems to be taking up most of my spare time, so I don't have much to show for my quilting creativity.  Projects are clamoring for my attention.  May has been a wonderfully productive month with so many things I enjoyed (and to share with I Like Thursday).

Rob had been telling me of a covered bridge in Greenfield (after our covered bridge adventure last December).  Friday's weather was so nice, he took me on a quick tour along the Green River.  We came across a lot of people enjoying the sunshine and the cool water.  I can certainly imagine plunking myself down by the water for a quiet afternoon.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Headboard Headway

I'm still working on Mom's headboard.  It's been really difficult figuring out how to quilt this two color mystery quilt.  Even after deciding to straight line quilt it, I changed my mind about the pattern at least twice.  

I got started last week.  It looks alright, but not inspired.  I'm hating the process though.  Save me.  I haven't used a walking foot in ages, so the first two sections are all ripply.  Probably need to rip those and do it again.  I don't like the machine I'm quilting on (it's the only one with a walking foot).  There's so many stops and starts.  I can't wait to have it done and I'm only halfway through it.  Ugh.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

I Like Thursday: May Musings

May!  Already so chock-a-block full I'm writing my Like post before the end of the month!  Time to share with LeeAnna and friends at I Like Thursday

Ahhh... first kayak outing of the year.  A beautiful evening, and early enough in the season the pond wasn't choked with weeds.  I love being able to explore the nooks and crannies along the edge of the pond (and check out the beaver lodges). 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Trying to Wrap Up


I'm close to wrapping up a couple of projects.  

Getting this jacket finished has been rough.  I wanted to put pockets on the front of it, but I decided it was too short  - the pockets would be just too high to use.  So I've sewed up the sides and have most of it bound.  I need to pick a binding for the sleeves since I ran out of the purple I used for the rest (oops).  I plan to add toggle buttons, hoping to find some at Swanson's.  Then that will be done.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Drop Leaf Table

This is becoming a thing:  I find things on Freecycle, Craigslist or Nextdoor that come home with me to be refinished.  I like the results, but oof - I keep getting sidetracked with impromptu projects.

My latest was a drop leaf table.  Rob brought it to my attention and I thought it could replace the trestle table I'm currently using in my sewing room.  I could drop the leaves when not in use, but bring them up when I'm doing a big project.  The table was good solid wood, but in rough shape when I brought it home.  I don't think the wood had ever been finished - water spots, dirt, spots of paint all over, a bit of mildew, too. 

I removed all the hardware (after carefully labeling all of it) then gave everything a good sanding.  It was impressive how much just the sanding improved things.  The legs lightened up considerably, and I managed to clean off some of the paint and water marks.  The only bummer was that the wood was soft and marred easily - so I ended up adding a few more dents and dings in the process.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Headboard Layouts

I've finished my two color mystery blocks from Canuck Quilter's Two Colour Mystery.  I originally made six blocks, but I really needed eight.  The last two blocks were surprisingly difficult.  Not sure why.  I'm pretty sure I stitched them together the same way as the others.  It would have been better if I made them with the rest.  They're done now!

These blocks are pretty neat.  I've been playing with layouts.  So many combinations.  I need the quilt to be slightly wider than four blocks.  I will either add borders or sashing.  Ha!  Before I posted this, my mother has selected layout #4.  Hmm... I could still do a border or sashing with that.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

I Like Thursday: April Foolin’ Around

April! It's been another full-throttle month.  Whew!  Let's see what I liked best...

It kicked off with April Fools Day.  My local librarian celebrated the holiday with a sign that said "Please excuse the mess while I reorganize the collection by color!"  Indeed, the first shelf is red, orange, green, white, blue and black.  If you flipped the paper over it said "April Fools!"  

The eclipse was pretty cool - no fooling!  We chose not to drive up to Vermont to see the total eclipse, but instead hung out on our front steps to witness the 95% coverage.  We played with the colander, marveled at the strange shadows and the drop in temperature (about 10℉). 

We wished there had been more leaves on the tree to better see the funny crescent shadows the sun produced.  The pine trees gave us a bit of little taste of it.  And I had eclipse glasses, so we could look at the sun.  It reminded me of the Cheshire Cat as the slice of the sun got bigger (a grin without a cat).

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Moving Along

This week's clue for the two color mystery quilt was the block layout.  It's a cool looking block.  But boy, it was a struggle putting it together.  Even when I had the pieces put the right direction, I still felt like I was doing it wrong.  Lots of points.  Matching point to point was straightforward, but some pieces aligned a straight edge with an angle.  Those were trickier and it took me stitching (and ripping apart) a few pieces before I got the hang of it. 

I'll leave that on the wall as contemplate layouts.  I made the baby quilt size, but this is to become a headboard for my mother's full sized bed.  I may need to make two more blocks to gain the width I want, which I'm sure would also change the layout.

Monday, April 8, 2024


Just as I was all set to start some serious work on my sweatshirt jacket, a few things jumped ahead in priority.

Years ago I some amazing paper-pieced greeting cards; I wanted to try making some myself.  So I bought windowed cards but never got around to piecing fabric to go in them.  Then I made a handful of postcards (most of them during this year's Project Quilting).  They're a bit bulky for the cards, but I can squeeze them in.  This lets me send the card with a personal note, then allows the recipient remove and keep the artwork, or pass it along to someone else.  I've added a sticker to the card:  Mini quilt is a postcard.  Keep it! Regift it!  Extra envelope provided.  Now I need to start sending them to people!

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Rick Rack Ripples

I'm riding a wave of finishes - and this was the quilt that kicked it off.  I'm late to post about it, though, because it was only recently sent.  (The package needed some Easter candy for ballast.)

This is called Rick Rack Ripples.  My cousin asked for blue, green and yellow.  I love the color combination. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

In the Works

Busy weekend.  Glad I took Monday off to catch my breath!

I worked on my Two-Colour Mystery quilt.  Week five consisted of mitered blocks.  Following the assembly instructions produced a small stack of triangles, so I made a tiny stack of 1¾-inch squares.  Don't know what I'll do with them, but I'm sure I'll think of something.

Easter Candy!  This year I swapped out toffee (I've been struggling with the recipe lately) for caramels (some with pecans, some plain).  Last year I tested out chai spiced cookie dough truffles as well as coffee buttercreams.  Both were such a hit I kept them this year.  I overdid the amount of chai in them this year (oops) but the coffee was perfect. 

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Bye Bye Babies

One last post of the Rice Crispy boys:  the trio of guinea pig baby fosters from Dakin Humane.

The morning that Crackle and Laylla went to back to Dakin I found the three boys stuffed into the tunnel.  I was sorry to break them up, but I was thrilled that the two singletons (Laylla and Crackle) were going to a new home to live with another guinea pig.  

Laylla was very curious when she went in the carrier.  Crackle was hiding behind her.  So at least they got the drive back to Dakin together.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

I Like Thursday: Marching On

Wow - I've blown through March.  I suspect I'll be spending part of April just catching up!  Lots of likes to share with LeeAnna's I Like Thursday

Ducks!  There's a farm near the bottom of our street, and a sanctuary appropriately named Duck World.  So often I need to stop and wait for assorted fowl to cross the road, but this time I managed to get evidence.  The chickens usually hustle across but the ducks take their sweet time and there are always stragglers.  The turkey and the geese are the worst, though.  They'll stay put and stare you down, daring you to get by them.  Always a chuckle!

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Floor Time and Zoomies

We returned the last of our foster guinea pigs to Dakin on Saturday.  It was sad.  I keep hearing wheeking whenever I walk into the kitchen.  They had me trained well.

But fear not!  I have two more posts of photos and videos of my adventures with Laylla, Snap, Crackle and Pop.

The babies were still two weeks old when these were shot.  It's amazing how tiny they are, yet how much they had grown in such a short time.

I loved watching how Snap, Crackle and Pop would swarm together, sometimes following mama, and sometimes going out on their own.  And SO much talking!  Burble-burble.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Project Quilting 15.6 - Irish Chain Postcard

The last Project Quilting challenge of the season looked so easy on the surface:  create a quilt using or inspired by an Irish Chain pattern.  The buck-basic chain pattern is nothing more than 9-patch squares.  So I dug through my square scraps, looked at my project list, and decided to tackle a sweatshirt jacket I've been wanting to do.  All the jacket examples on Pinterest were overwhelming, so this seemed as good a choice as any other.  

I calculated yardage, cut apart a sweatshirt and figured my basic layout. It was a somewhat ambitious project to finish in a week.  I focused on making the blocks first so if I was running out of time I could switch to making a baby quilt.  Excellent.  No problem.

Right.  I'd like to point out that the title of this blog post contains neither the word "jacket" nor "baby".

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Two Kinds of Marmalade

I'm calling this quilt Marmalade, since it was created with my Citrus Quilt leftovers.  It's a smallish quilt, roughly 16x24" - perfect for hanging on the wall or the front door.  I found a nice piece of blue just the right size for the background.  The layout left a lot of empty blue in the upper right corner that begged to be filled.  Perhaps some appliqued circles?  Naw - needed more squiggles.  

I have often admired quilts that continue the pattern of the piecing or applique into the quilting.  I've always wanted to try that - and this was my opportunity.  I found some yellow, green and orange thread, drew a rough outline of what I wanted and started quilting. 

What do you think?  Really fun.  It looks better in person.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

In Progress and Reworked

I finished the weekly clue for the two color mystery quilt.  One of a few finishes this week.  I'll be curious what comes next!

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Growing Boys

We've enjoyed another week of antics with our three baby foster guinea pigs, Snap, Crackle and Pop.  They're growing up so fast!

We did another photo shoot with the boys over the weekend.  I wanted some more coffee cup photos as well as some "head shots" for their Dakin adoption page.  It took several minutes before they boys finally sat still.  Good grief, they're adorable.  

The amazing thing is how much they've grown in one week.  They pretty much tripled in size since they were born.  Wow!  They jump up and down to the second level with ease.  They move so fast it looks like they magically transport themselves from one floor to the next.

Monday, March 11, 2024

QAL and Projects

I've finished the rick rack baby quilt (photos soon) as well as the latest Project Quilting challenge.  Time for some cleanup projects:   straightening out my sewing room, figuring out why my quarter inch foot doesn't like my Singer 201, even organized my fabric stash by color.  You know - the odds and ends before picking up the next big project.

I also joined a mystery quilt-a-long hosted by Canuck Quilter.  I've eyeballed several mystery QAL over the years, but haven't been willing to take the plunge.  No time.  Too many other projects.  And what if I hate the blocks when I'm done?  But a two-color mystery quilt?  Seems pretty hard to go wrong with that.  

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Project Quilting 15.5 - Water Bottle Holder

The latest Project Quilting challenge was called Wearables - the piece should either be something to wear or made from clothing or inspired by clothing.  The rules stated a bag could be worn ... so I figure water bottle holders count, too.

I have been wanting to make a water bottle holder for years - so long that one of the tutorials I had bookmarked popped up with a 404 error when I accessed it (yay for Wayback Machine!).  This was a great opportunity to use up the fabric I made from a stack of ¾-inch strips.  And then there's the satisfaction of crossing this project off my list.

I find the blues and greens so calming.  I really loved the fabric I used for the strap.  Unfortunately it was just a little too short - but I found another batik almost the same shade of blue.  The difference is hardly noticeable!

I added a lining, which made for a smooth top edge.  The bottom inside, though, has raw edges.  I wanted to make sure the lining didn't stick to a wet bottle and pull out.  I figure no one will ever see it. 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Here, There and Everywhere

The continuing saga of my foster guinea pigs from Dakin Humane - Mama Laylla with babies Snap, Crackle and Pop. 

The three pups all doubled in weight by Sunday.  It's crazy how much bigger they are (and yet they're still so tiny).  The big news of the week is that Crackle has a forever home lined up with a single boar as soon as he's old enough to leave mama.  Baby boars need to be separated from all sows (including Mom) at 21 days old.  Amazing they can possibly be fertile that young.  

So I have another week with the full set of piggies.  I'll enjoy it while I can!

Crackle gave us a demonstration of his zoomies.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Tempest in a Teapot

Or maybe I should say chaos in coffee cups?  We decided to have a little photo shoot with Snap, Crackle and Pop for some glamor shots for their adoption write ups.  I decided it might be easier if they were contained in something.  So I put them in my little coffee cups.  What do you think?

Are they cute or what?

Monday, March 4, 2024

So Close!

A post not about baby guinea pigs?!?  Yup - let's briefly go back to the Crafts portion of my blog.  In between watching Snap, Crackle and Pop's goofy antics, I'm trying to finish up some projects as the next Project Quilting challenge drops.

My favorite second-to-last step of a quilt is cutting off the edges after machine stitching the binding.  Oh, look at those clean edges!  The only thing that looks cleaner is a fully bound quilt!  The recipient arrived into this world last week - so it's time to get this done and delivered!

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Growing Like Weeds

I can't keep up!  I've been gathering photos and video of Laylla and her pups faster than I can edit and post them.  The dynamic changes every day.  Even as I type, the boys are chasing each other around the cage making so much noise!  

So here's a quick dump of what's gone on in the last week with foster guinea pigs Laylla, Snap, Crackle and Pop. 

We have confirmed that the trio of pups are all boys.  We're a little disappointed with that because both the folks at Dakin and I had hoped Laylla would keep a child as a companion.  Plus it is unlikely all three boars will be able to live together as they hit adulthood (personality conflicts).

Thursday, February 29, 2024

I Like Thursday: Leaping Into March

Happy Leap Year Day (is that a thing?).  It's time for me to link up with LeeAnna's I Like Thursday.  

Top of the list of my likes is guinea pigs (and I'm sure you'll agree).  We're fostering again and it turned out Laylla was pregnant.  Last week she had three beautiful little babies!  I'll get to keep them until at least the middle of March - but I'm sure they'll be adopted quickly after that.

It's been a hoot.  We have hosted a pregnant guinea pig before, but she had only one pup that lived with three older sows.  This time around we have a solo sow with three little pups.  It's a very different dynamic this time around.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Stink Eye and Accomplishments

Foster guinea pig Laylla's pups continue to entertain.  

Crackle has so much attitude in such a small package.  He's also an expert at giving me the stink-eye.  He's the biggest of the trio, weighing in at a whopping 150g.  So strong and wriggly, too, considering he can fit in the palm of my hand.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Family Time

The continuing adventures of Laylla and pups - my foster guinea pigs from Dakin Humane Society.

I don't know if it was because I knew Laylla was pregnant (so I was anticipating the babies) or because Laylla had three of pups, but I am spending way more time watching them than I did watching Banzai a few years ago.  I've actually pulled a chair next to the cage so I can sit and watch.  And they are entertaining!

I'm currently calling the trio Snap (Baby One), Crackle (Baby Three) and Pop (Baby Two).  Crackle is the biggest and has the most attitude - which is why he got the biggest name.  Snap is quick and smart, and Pop is noisy.  

Nothing brings guinea pigs together like food!  The pups are often packed under Laylla and have also been digging into the hay and pellets (which is best eaten from inside the bowl).  Snap has had a fascination with ceramic for a day or two - I'd often hear his teeth clinking on the sides of the bowl.

The pups have been very interested in Laylla's lettuce and have tried nibbling a bit of that, too.

I will often find them all snuggled up together.  They hay rack is a favorite spot.  And I can't find any of the pups, they'll be piled together in the tunnel.

They're adorable all together, aren't they?

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Our First Day

It's hard to believe it has been nearly three years since we fostered baby Buckaroo Banzai with his mom Bolt and Aunties Bear and Browny.  Banzai had been a total surprise, because Bolt hardly looked pregnant, let alone ready to give birth.  I loved watching Banzai follow his aunties around, hanging out with the big girls.

What a different dynamic compared to the current foster situation of three baby guinea pigs and a single mom.   

Friday, February 23, 2024

Project Quilting 15.4 - Time Flying Postcard

I made another postcard for Project Quilting's 15.4 challenge - Hourglass.  The challenge required an hourglass shape.  The first thing that popped into mind was an hourglass with wings.  Sure - I'll roll with that.

My first idea was to make it symmetrical with the wings on either side, but I had a hard time fitting everything on a 4x6" card.  This is what I came up with.  Time flies when you're having fun!

Sharing with:
Persimon Dreams - Project Quilting 15.4

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Three Little Pigs

Foster guinea pig Laylla had her babies! Rob stopped at my office door to say Laylla was making odd noises.  I got over there to find her cleaning off baby number 1.  I was in the middle of an upgrade at work that was (luckily) taking forever - so I spent 40 minutes running back and forth between the computer and the big event.  I was trying to take photos, email Dakin and texting my sister all at once.

Then bloop!  There was baby two.  I need to upload the video - but that piggy complained loudly as mama cleaned them up.  At this point I was sure there had to be at least a third, and voila! suddenly pup three appeared.  That one looked like it was struggling the most, but seems to have sprung back the fastest.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024


Laylla on Monday - she's even bigger now

Foster guinea pig Laylla and I are in a race to see who will lose their mind first.  It's a pretty close thing; I fully expected Laylla to give birth on Monday and I'm still waiting.  Meanwhile, she's a needy, uncomfortable piggy.  She rushes to the side of the cage any time I pass by, constantly begging for treats and accepting being patted.  She's so blobby when she rests, but I can't get a good photo because she jumps up as soon as I approach.  She is wound up and restless and won't sit in one place for long.  She's drinking so much water - which I guess is good for flushing those kidneys!  Oof.

Rob tells me a watched pig doesn't pop... but she has to at some point!  I read that you can hear the unborn pups grind their teeth a week or so before delivery.  You can!  Sounded like a little ticking timer.  Wild.

I know there's at least two pups, but now I'm thinking there's more than that.  I'd love to weigh her to see how much she's gained, however she does not want to be picked up, and doing so would stress her out and possibly injure her or the pups.  Laylla is still lightning fast and agile even carrying that unwieldy bulk.

When she stretches out, you can see how narrow her shoulders are to the lower half of her body.  And when she walks, there's this tiny little butt on the end of that huge belly.  

It's gotta be soon, but those pups are taking their own sweet time.  We will all be happier when Laylla delivers.



Friday, February 16, 2024

Lots of Little Leftovers

Lots of little leftovers from two recent quilting projects.  First are my small citrus sections from the Project Quilting challenge.  I'm thinking of making another small wall hanging with it.  Right now these layouts measure about 14" across and 25" long.  I think 1, 3 and 6 are my favorites.  A couple of those layouts remind me of the Very Hungry Caterpillar. 

The other leftovers are from the rick-rack quilt.  I was left with a pile of ¾-inch strips from trimming down the fabric rejects to make the squares I used in the backing.  The colors went together so nice on the backing, I decided not to throw the scrap away, but sew it all together.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Lovely Lumpy Laylla

Oh, Laylla, will you be my Valentine? 

Laylla is a love!  She also such a fatso (I tell her that all the time - I hope it doesn't hurt her feelings).  She has a tiny butt, a smallish head, and this massive middle.  Oof.

She's active and curious - any time I approach the cage she runs to me (rather than running away to hide).  Of course, that's because she's hoping I have treats.  She reminds me of Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors.  Feed me! 

There's not usually a ramp to the second floor in my cage.  I added it because I didn't want Laylla to hurt herself if she couldn't leap up there.  Guinea pigs are amazing - Laylla usually skips the ramp and leaps up and down anyway!  I don't try to pick her up often but when I do, she can sprint like a much thinner guinea pig.  Zoom!

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Project Quilting 15.3 - Citrus Banner

My entry for Project Quilting's 15.3 challenge - Inside Out is a wall hanging /door banner featuring the insides of a lemon, orange, grapefruit and lime.  It ended up being a five hour marathon on Saturday to complete.  Not how I like to work.  

I landed on the citrus slices idea while admiring the mini lemons produced by my mother's lemon tree.  Ooh - and maybe use my Dresden plate ruler?  I wanted to do something pieced, and my idea required something bigger than a post card. 

I spent a chunk of time cutting and assembling pieces before I realized I had measured something wrong.  The pieces were too narrow and weren't coming full circle.  (I now have a ton of little pieces that are begging for another project.)  My second attempt was more successful (but if you look closely at the lemon, I had to jam in one of the little pieces to get it a full circle).  So I lost what little time I had to work on this on Friday experimenting.

The whole design and assembly was on-the-fly with some vague ideas of what should work, and then doing and redoing things as I went along.  Not conducive for a deadline (I had to be done by 5pm on Saturday because of other commitments).  The quilt ended up with minimum quilting, a machine sewn binding and a few more mistakes than usual.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Laylla and Negrita


We're fostering again!  Two girl guinea pigs from Dakin Humane named Laylla and Negrita.  We picked them up yesterday.  They're settling in quite quickly - much faster than our last pair of piggies.

Laylla has very round eyes that make her look like she's constantly surprised.  She seems very sweet.  She also appears very pregnant.  Adult pigs can be bulgy, but she bulges in an odd way and she's gained over 2 ounces in two days.  Could be stress eating... but we'll see.  I'm kinda hoping she stays with us at least a few weeks. 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

I Like Thursday: Into 2024

I missed writing an I Like Thursday post in January.  Lots to like - just no time to write about it.

We got snow in January - but on New Year's there was not a snowflake to be seen.  I went walking with my mother and we came across this creative wooden snowman.  He was big!  Must have been heavy, too. 

I came across a Scottish word this last week:  hurkle-durkle.  It means to lie in bed, or to lounge after it is time to get up or go to work.  Lots of overcast days this month - I'd much rather snuggle warmly under the covers curled up with a good book than face the day.  So I've been doing a lot of hurkle-durkling. 

Friday, January 26, 2024

Project Quilting 15.2 - Milky Way Postcard

My second Project Quilting challenge is complete!  I made another postcard.  This week's challenge was Sky Color - the twist was to not use more than 10% of typical "sky" blue.  My first thought was an evening star at sunset; I was thinking reds and blues.  Then Rob suggested the Milky Way.  Hmmm... that had potential.  Last September I stood with a friend at Coast Guard Beach in Eastham, admiring the stars in the Milky Way.  That's what popped into my head. 

And I really like how it came out.  I started with black fabric, added some dark blue, then indigo.  I bound it in a very dark purple.

It's quilted in shiny grey and flat black.  Then I embroidered a bunch of french knots and some running stitch with white, cream and pastel pink and blue thread entwined with sparkly thread of purple, blue and white.  It twinkles quite nicely in the sunlight.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

This Way and That

The rick-rack quilt top is done.  I'm pleased with the result.  Very cheerful.  Time to brainstorm on quilting designs!  

I ended up ripping out a few blocks to line up the two blues together so the bottom half zigged and zagged like the top.  It was worth the extra work.