Monday, July 8, 2024

A Floor Full of Feathers

Ooh - feathers all over my floor!

I spent a few hours over the weekend digging in the garden.  Then it got too hot, humid and rainy so I switched over to sewing.  I have 25 completed feathers!  That's one more than I need.  I'm in the layout stage.  What fun!

The feathers went together so smoothly and consistently.  In my last post I had questioned if I printed the pattern correctly; given how nicely everything lined up, these have to be the correct size.  Pretty, aren't they?

Staggering the feathers (two rows will have only five feathers instead of six) will mean some more white space and less feathers.  Or I continue to play around with the full set of 24 and see what grabs me.  Most layouts I've seen do some kind of stagger, but I've found one example that keeps all the feathers.  I'll play around with this the next few days and see what grabs me.

I have just enough of the background fabric to add a couple of fillers, but not more than that.  This little strip was all I had left over when I cut the last strip - and I swear I bought a half yard more than I thought I'd need!  Can you believe that?  Eek.  I either read the instructions wrong or miscalculated.  But that's fine as long as I don't have some weird mishap or change in plans.

I have binding cut.  I have fabric picked for most of the backing, but I need a 16-inch strip to finish it up.  I'll be brainstorming and piecing the back as I figure out how the front is supposed to look.

Sharing with:
Quilt Schmilt - To-Do Tuesday
Quilt Fabrication - Midweek Makers


  1. Those are so pretty, Sally! I love how they "read" as the same, but each one is a bit different from any other. So glad you didn't run out of background fabric!

  2. I love the colors and patterns in the feathers, and the way you are reversing some of them in your layout. This is going to be a beautiful quilt!

  3. Those feathers are gorgeous. I look forward to seeing how you decide to arrange them.

  4. I love those feathers. They look so good all together. I always buy extra fabric and am amazed at how little I have left over!

  5. Coming together so nicely! It is positively beautiful!

  6. Oh wow - what a pretty quilt! The feathers are so fun!

  7. These feathers are beauties, Sally. I just love them. What a wonderful project!

  8. Your feathers are beautiful, and I love the 2nd layout, very pretty! Well done with the background fabric ;))


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