Saturday, June 29, 2024

Feathers to the Front of the Line

My "cleanup" projects are stacking up.  I have overflowing bags of strings and crumbs and selvedges that I really want to work on.  However... my next throw quilt is anxiously telling me I need to get started now if I have any hope to have it completed by the end of July.  Which I'd like to do without rushing any of it, knowing that I always run into unexpected snags.  I started reviewing the instructions, templates and fabrics so I can dive into the work.

I've played with the Feather Bed Quilt pattern before for two quilts:  Parrot Plumes and Songbirds.  These were cobbled together with bits and scraps.  This project is a lot bigger than the prior quilts, requiring 24 blue/green feathers.  

I've eased into the work this week.  I added some cardboard to the templates so they'll be a bit sturdier for all that cutting.  Then I cut some fabric and stitching strips together to see how  many string blocks I need to make all the feathers. 

Looks pretty good: six half feathers from fat-quarter string blocks.  I'll make another string block to cut the other half of the feather, then assemble a single feather block (or two).  That will ensure I know what I'm doing with all the pieces before I start cutting all the background fabric in earnest.

Sharing with:
Alycia Quilt - Finished or Not Friday
A Quiltery - Put Your Foot Down
Nina-Marie - Off the Wall Friday
Quilting Patchwork Applique - Patchwork & Quilts


  1. Those blues and greens are so pretty together! I had forgotten what your pattern looks like, so clicked over to see the previous projects - they're beautiful. Have fun making lots more feathers!

  2. Oh I LOVE all those green fabrics! And of course one can't go wrong with blues and greys. I look forward to seeing the progress on this quilt!

  3. I too checked out those links, Sally. I've had a feathers project in my cache for a long time. With all the feathers I used to collect here, I thought it fitting I do such a project. Yours are off to a wonderful start. Happy Stitching!

  4. Those are super pretty - the colors are going to just make this one sing!


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