Friday, December 27, 2024

Blogiversary #14

 Happy blogiversary to me - I'm 14 years old!  

The year flew by!  A bunch of baby guinea pigs, good family get togethers, a chunk of time spent with my mother, a summer spent digging in the garden.  Not enough time sewing and I wanted to spend more time with my friends - but looking back it was a good year doing things I enjoyed with people I love.

Thank you, readers, for coming along for the ride.  I appreciate your comments and feedback (both written and in person!).  I'm looking forward to another year of family, friends, piggies and quilts.


  1. Happy Blog-iversary! I enjoy your posts and the peek into your world. Here's to many more! 🥂

  2. I'm so happy you're still blogging. I love reading your posts! Happy Blogiversary!!

  3. Here's to more wonderful years of visiting your fabulous blog, Sally. Happy Blogiversary to you!

  4. see if I can leave a comment....hope this year brings good things, love your diamond project and the piggies of course


I enjoy reading your comments and I strive to reply by email (if you're not set to no-reply).