
Thursday, July 25, 2024

I Like Thursday: Summer

It's Thursday - time for some the things I liked this month!  Not so fond of the of hot, steamy, wet days so far.  I'm hoping for a little less humidity for the next weekend.  We'll see.  But lots of things that perked me up this month!

Ghost (the deer) stopped by a few times.  One evening a fawn trotted up to Ghost and tried nursing, much to Ghost's surprise (and annoyance).  What is this little pipsqueak trying to do?!?  I hope the fawn found his mom.  I've seen him a few times since.

I squeezed in an early morning kayak on Lake Wyola.  It was delightful having the place nearly to myself - just a few other paddlers and a swimmer.  It was so quiet, too.  These lilies on the far side of the lake were very pretty in the morning sunlight.

Spent an afternoon catching up with some of my girlfriends.  The day was sunny, fairly dry and just enough of a breeze to be comfortable.  We had a short walk, picnicked near a pond and listened to a military band warm up for a concert (how unexpected!).

We had a beautiful view as we sat and chatted:

A good time was had by all.


This quilt is quilted!  And the binding has begun.  A good thing, since I need to gift it this weekend!  No current photos, but there will be later next week.  I can't wait to share - I was very pleased with how it turned out.  Quilting it was fun, especially since the machine and thread mostly behaved (I only had one hissy fit Tuesday night).

There's progress in the garden!  I unearthed some big stepping stones in one part of the garden as I ripped out tons of irises.  It's like the iris purge last fall never happened.  They're starting to choke out the other plants (not good).

Finding those stones got me thinking, so on a whim I added a little stone path to the lower garden.  This was mostly to give me clear places to step as I weeded, but I love how it looks.  It breaks up the garden and should help me remember what is planted where.  I'm going to add a second path later in the fall.

Then I'm off to Family Weekend on the Cape.  Looks like good weather, too.  I great way to end the month.

Linking up to I Like Thursday over at Not Afraid of Color.


  1. I love the photos of the deer and the water lilies! Gorgeous.

  2. What a great view of Ghost - she keeps coming back! How funny that the fawn tried to nurse - I wonder where Mama was. Your kayak outing and get together with friends look and sound lovely! Looking forward to seeing the completed feather quilt, too. Have a wonderful family weekend!

  3. oh love those stones... a piece of art in a view

  4. You posted some gorgeous photos. I love seeing Ghost. I'm looking forward to seeing your quilt all finished. Have a fun weekend with your family.

  5. How fun to see Ghost. Must be very pieceful on the lake. So much going on these days, the ability to relax and breath normally is desperately needed. I had a catch up with girl friends lunch last week, it's so nice to be able to do that. I can tell you all were having a good time. Sounds like you're getting the quilt done, just in the nick of time. The stone walk way/trail looks awesome.
    Sandy's Space

  6. I hope you're having a great weekend! The weather seems about perfect for get togethers near water :)

  7. We do so love our little fawns! They aren't the smartest are they? Ha ha ha. That white deer you see is just bizarre. Albino, I suppose??

  8. I love your pictures especially of the fawn & ghost. Looks like you've got a great cadre of friends too. Your rock path was the perfect addition. Such a pretty feature.


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