
Thursday, September 26, 2024

I Like Thursday: Cukes, Cape, Chicks and a Little Frog

How can it possibly be the end of September?  The trees are turning and it's starting to feel like autumn.  I'm happy with the cooler weather (but not the shorter days).

This year's cucumber harvest was disappointing.  I had hoped to make more pickles!  But this cheeky slice looks like it's winking and smiling at me.  At least the few cucumbers I got were tasty.

My biggest like this month was spending the better part of a week at Cape Cod hosting my annual Chick Weekend.  We had beautiful weather every single day.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

I Like Thursday: Random Goings-on

Mostly likes to share with LeeAnna and friends at I Like Thursday.  

Quilting cleanup projects are on deck, which are my favorite sewing projects to work on.  However, I'm not getting anywhere!  Better weather has lured me to spending time in the garden.  I dislike the lack of sewing, but I'm enjoying the gardening.

A tale of two sunflowers - both of these were planted at the same time.  The one near the house took off - the head must be about a foot wide.  The one closer in the photo struggled and the seed head is maybe three inches.  It's pretty, though!

Major dislike - my phone flaked out.  I spent tons of time working on it, thought I fixed it, then three days later it randomly shut down and refused to reboot.  A week later I spent another two days setting up a brand new phone.  Lots of teeth gnashing.  Not fun.  I'm aggravated over learning a new UI and sound setup.  Ugh.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Quick Trip to the Fair

I entered two quilts in the Franklin County fair.  I'll be coming home with two blue ribbons.  How exciting!  I think they made notes on the back, so I'm looking forward to that.

My mother and I looked at several beautiful quilts and interesting arts and crafts.  There was a huge cathedral windows quilt (that I didn't think to photograph).  As we were admiring it, the woman who made it stopped by and asked if we had questions.  Oh, yes!  We found out it took 12 years to make.  I can believe that - there were so many little squares.  They were hand pieced, then machine sewn together.