
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Anita's Arrowhead

I'm still on my throw pillow kick.  They're fun little projects that I get to keep (because I have a place for them).  Plus I get to try out new patterns.

The latest one is called Anita's Arrowhead.  It starts with two 8" squares and voila!  you end up with a two-toned X block.  They're so easy and quick.  I think I did six blocks in less time than it took to do a single herringbone block.  I've been been thinking of making a new quilt for my bed.  I've been looking at several different patterns and this one has just entered the running.

I may have to try some more of these sew-together-and-cut-apart kind of blocks.  This was fun.

I'm linking up with Freemotion by the River.


  1. Those blocks look great. I downloaded that pattern some time ago but still haven't gotten around to trying it! Just not enough hours in a day *grumble*

  2. How cute and I'm on a throw pillow kick also!


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