
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Grow Your Blog

Today I am participating in the Grow Your Blog blog party.  Welcome to Crafts, Cavies and Cooking!  (And if you notice the URL, it used to be Contra dancing.)  I realize it's a somewhat eclectic mix.  But hey, it's what I enjoy!  I hope you do, too.

2014 quilting projects

The Crafts of the title is primarily quilting.  My mother gave me a Singer Graduate for my 14th birthday and it's still trucking along after many years of use.  Most of my quilts have focused on the piecing, but I've recently discovered the fun of free motion quilting.  Wow!  There's more to quilting than just stitch-in-the-ditch!  I've learned all sorts of new stuff in the last year.

In addition to the sewing, I break out the Sculpey once or twice a year to make ornaments, magnets and earrings.  

Then there's the Cavies.  I had guinea pigs as a child and got hooked on them again after I graduated from college.  I've had a pair or trio of sows ever since.  My current pair are Cannoli (the tubby brown and white pig) and Boadicea (the agouti with white bum and eye patch).  In 2003 I discovered there are many guinea pigs that have been left at animal shelters.  Since then I have adopted all of my guinea pigs from several local shelters.  Boadicea has been with us for just under a month, so we're all still adjusting to the new dynamics.

I'm involved with a few on-line guinea pig communities.  I also organize the Boston Pignic - a biannual event for guinea pigs and their caretakers.  We spend an afternoon eating grass (the pigs) and swapping guinea pig stories (the humans).  For more information about the Boston Pignic, pignics in other states, or how to organize your own pignic, check out Pignic Central.

Lastly there's Cooking.  My favorite things to make are cookies, desserts and quick breads.  The internet is most wondrous place of foodie blogs.  In the last few years I've tried a variety of new dinner dishes and dessert recipes.

Thank you for stopping by.  Be sure to check out the other neat blogs that have joined the party.

2 Bags Full


  1. Hi Sally. I'm visiting from the Grow Your Blog party. I love your quilts, they are stunning. I also love your guinea pigs (they are so cute) and your idea of a pignic. Good luck growing your blog. Cheers, Tracy.

  2. So happy to meet you from the party-Love your quilting too-Enjoy the Party and hope you meet lots of new friends

  3. I love what uou mafe with the sculpy. Those earrings are great!

  4. I've heard about contra dancing but haven't had a chance to try it. What a fun mix of talents! :)

  5. I love your variety of interests! Gotta keep life interesting! We used to have guinea pigs as well... they are adorable little things, aren't they? I also love to cook and do crafts. Thanks for sharing your blog!

  6. What an eclectic mix of interests - and whyever not?! I love your guineas...they have such sweet faces.

  7. oh my goodness how cute is that with the guinea pigs!
    your quilts are fabulous to see!

  8. love your quilts, i am a quilter from Ga. Following you now ,came over from Vickis

  9. I SO enjoyed meeting you. What a fun blog you have, and you are a great seamstress, too, unlike me, the wanna-be-sewer.

    When I got a new kitten recently at the Humane Society, I saw lots of guinea pigs. Too bad there aren't more people like you willing to give them a forever home.

    Loved the visit, since this is my first time here and at GYB.

  10. Hello Sally!

    Thank you for taking part in this year's Grow Your Blog event! I enjoyed reading about you and your blog :). I would like to wish you every success in your blogging adventure.

    I loooove guinea pigs. I used to have a pair and it was my best Christmas present ever! Have a fabulous weekend and a happy GYB! Hugs, Asia

    If you'd like to visit me back and find out more about my blog Under a Creative Spell, that would be fab!

  11. Nice to meet you, I'm following you on Bloglovin :)

  12. Hi! My name is Kelly and it's so nice to meet you and your guinea pig friends! I'm a guinea pig lover too!

  13. Looking forward to following your blog.

  14. I'm following and will return for future visits. Love your guinea pigs.

  15. Your guinea pigs are so cute! Thank you for inviting us to visit.

  16. Visiting from the GYBP, and I have really enjoyed looking at your pets and projects.

  17. Hello, nice to meet you. Your quilting is beautiful and those guinea pig earrings are just fab! I'm glad to hear you rescue your guinea pigs, I have four rescue rabbits at home and there are so many animals out there that are unwanted.

  18. Found you on GYB party! It's so nice to meet you.....I'll be following.

  19. Visiting from GYB, but I have followed you on my Wordpress reader for quite a while. I enjoy reading about your little guineas, sorry I haven't commented more!

  20. Your quilts are just lovely! Love the Sculpey ornaments too. I look forward to following your blog this year!

  21. Hello Sally. You quilts look lovely and your your food delicious! All that chocolate is making me hungry!

  22. I forgot to say I'm now following your blog on Google+

  23. Pleased to meet you via the GYB hop. Your quilts are really lovely. I am interested in the free motion quilting too and am going to learn this year. Love your little guinea pigs, so cute.

  24. Hey there, Sally -
    Your cavies are adorable, and the idea of one named Boadicea made me smile...a hellion, is she?
    I hope the weather at your end of the Commonwealth is a bit gentler than out here in the central zone...So.Much.Snow. I've had little time to be online this past week, but am finally catching up with the GYB Partiers. Thanks for visiting Comptonia :)

  25. Hi, am visiting via GYB - I love your quilts and your pigs - how cute that you have made things for them too! I don't have a pig but I do have the most adorable hamster and am just wondering whether I should make her something now too!

  26. Love that 3 of your 4 cooking photos showed chocolate and the 4th showed bacon. It looks like you are my kind of chef! Thanks for being part of the hop.


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