
Thursday, November 15, 2018

I Like Thursday: A Lot to Focus On

I'm looking forward to some time off because I suddenly have too much going at home.  Some fun, some not so fun.  I'll be busy!

It's hard to see in the photo, but these are the flying keys from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  They caught my eye on Friday's dance and I had to come back on Saturday to photograph.  The library had a Harry Potter event three weeks ago, and the librarians liked them so much they're still there.  Love that!

I like throw-together meals.  Dug out some gnocchi and sausage from the freezer, threw in some leftover roasted asparagus.  Added a little wine, butter, salt and pepper and voila!  Dinner.  This was really good!

I am amused by the next photo.  This is my Singer Graduate being aired out on the back deck.  Any time I take it out of it's case it reeks of machine oil.  I don't recall it ever smelling like this while it was housed in the cabinet.  Obviously the plastic carry case doesn't breathe.  It gums up in the humidity, but I keep it around because it zig-zags and does stretch stitch (and it works fine in dryer weather).  I'm hoping a day or two out in the fresh air will help so I can stand using it to stitch together some rope bowls and frankenstein some batting.

In the meantime, I'm using my regular machine a lot:  crumb hexies and wavy strings.

I love my car and am wholly bummed with the news I got on Friday.  I went in for a oil change and was informed that it's leaking both fuel and brake fluid, the gas tank is about to fall off and the tires have dry rot.  I'm sure the guys would fix my car if I demanded, but the way they listed the issues that it's a lost cause.  I am so sad.  I knew the end was coming, but I wasn't prepared for this.  I will miss this little car so much!

Speaking of love - I love Wedgwood.  She had a truly rough day yesterday.  She improved greatly by bedtime.  I really like that.  Keep your fingers crossed that she's made it through this round and will have at least a few pain-free days.

And, of course, a little Rumi (I'm running out of the ones I tagged).  Like I'm not working on enough stuff already:

Your Defects

An empty mirror and your worst destructive habits,
when they are held up to each other,
that's when the real making begins.
That's what art and crafting are.

A tailor needs a torn garment to practice his expertise.
The trunks of the trees must be cut and cut again
so they can be used for fine carpentry.

Your doctor must have a broken leg to doctor.
Your defects are the way that glory gets manifested.

That's what I've got for this week.  There's lots more over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.  Enjoy.


  1. oh no... I want to keep cars til there's no more car left and you're pushing it like Fred Flintstone! Love to Wedgewood... heal! and interesting about the little machine. Put it on display not in the little case unless you're traveling maybe.Love the poem.

  2. Hi Sally! Oh, I'm sorry about your car. Dry rotted tires??!! How does that happen if you're driving it? I had to giggle at your machine in time out for smelling. And how COOL of the library!! Way to bring in kids and get them interested in reading for a lifetime. And little Wedgewood - I do wish her well. We need another photo of them next week. I'm sure they are up to some antics. Happy Thursday to you! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. I'm sorry about your car, too - car shopping is no one's favorite thing to do. Your throw-together dinner sounded delicious! I love that kind of meal, too. Best of thoughts for Wedgwood - she is so entertaining to read about and we want her to be doing well!

  4. I am in the same car situation....Big Red is barely hanging on, but I hate car shopping...Throw together meals are the best!

  5. Those flying keys are awesome. I love harry potter and that's a fabulous tribute. So so sorry about your car!!

  6. The flying keys are awesome. Our local library had a HP event recently too. Loved their decorations at the entryway. Oh Wedgewood get better. My daughter lost her last GP and she was heartbroken. Oh no when you have a gas leak, and oil leak....then even if you love your car. Does the cost of repairs total more than what the vehicle is worth. Hope you can find a replacement.

  7. So sorry about your car. The flying keys are really neat. Hope you've had a great day so far.


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