
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Selvedge Blocks

Now that I'm all done making selvedge triangles, I needed a new project for all the fabric ends I've kept.  I liked the design of this bright scrappy string quilt and thought it might work well with selvedges.

Two things:  I wanted to make 8-inch blocks and I didn't want to sew on a foundation.  Shiplapped was so heavy and bulky to work with because there was so much fabric in every block.  I decided to make a template for the center wedge and sew the strings to that.


I've made templates before from scraps of plexiglass.  Google making acrylic templates and you can find a bunch of tutorials, including this one at Podunk Pretties.  This time I used a quilting ruler that had been given to me.  I found this ruler unusable, with a finger guard that got in the way and hard-to-read markings.  Repurposing it for a custom template would at least be useful!

Making the template turned out to be a whole project of its own.  My first attempt came out just what I wanted... until I cut my first pieces with it.  As I drew the first seam lines, I realized I had made the template to the finished size, forgetting to add a quarter inch to the sides.  Well, that stinks.

I traced it to paper, added a quarter inch to the three sides, and created a second template.  We'll give this a try when I get more black fabric.

What about the too-skinny template and the pieces I had already cut?  I shortened the template based on a six-inch finished block, then cut the fabric pieces to match.  I made four six-inch blocks, just to give it a try.  There are two more skinny black pieces - I may use them as-is, to see what blocks from them look like. 

It's been an interesting project so far, making the templates, sewing the blocks.  We'll see where it goes!

Sharing with Freemotion by the River's Linky Tuesday.


  1. That is a fun design for strings! I especially like the diamond shape that is formed in the center of the stars. Great idea to make your own template out of an unusable ruler! What did you cut it with?

  2. I'd also like to know what you cut the unusable ruler with?

  3. aren't you clever! I like the look of those blocks. I've noticed when I make anything out of shards, it's heavy. All those seams. When I do lots of seams like that I make them 1/8th or about. I'm making wall quilts though.

    1. oh yea, and my granny did blocks of strings, by hand through old phone book papers.

  4. I am another reader who is very interested in what you used to cut the plexi ruler ;)

  5. I am loving your new strings quilt but as for making the templates, that certainly looks tricky.


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