
Thursday, March 28, 2019

I Like Thursday: Friends and Fun

It was a busy week - I have a bunch of likes to share.

This little hawk has been coming to the front feeders in the last week.  I don't think it's interested in the birdseed, though.  So far, I've heard two attacks, but she's come away empty handed.  I can't tell if this is a Cooper's hawk or a Sharp-Shinned hawk.  Very shy - I'm surprised I managed to catch this photo.  I may not like that she's going after the little songbirds, but her flying skills are impressive.

I took Thursday off from work to catch up with a childhood friend and her daughter.  They were in Boston touring colleges.  I had so much fun kicking around the city with them.  I go to Boston so rarely. 

I got to tag along for a tour of MIT.  The campus was interesting and I learned all sorts of little things I hadn't known before.  It's an impressive place.

The place they stayed overlooked the Boston Common.  It was positively stunning at night with the State House lit up and all the lights of the city.  (Sorry - no photos - I left the camera at home.)

I like that we made a stop at Mike's Pastry before heading home.  Lobster tail!

Mabel had taken to blockading herself in the upstairs cozy by pulling the hay in front of the opening.  Pretty cute.  This was in direct conflict with Wedgwood's plans, which consisted of pushing the hay down the ramp to the second or first level.

Speaking of guinea pigs - did you see Wedgwood with pink lips?

I like that the NYB E blocks are done.  And that I figured out a way to impose some organization to my cutting table.

I like my sister's latest painting.  I keep trying to get her to sell them on Etsy - I think they're marvelous.  Do you see the little chipmunk?  The stones were full of them - they were so fun to watch.

I've been reminded lately of some of the games we played in our neighborhood.  I was tickled to find some descriptions for them (when I've searched in the past I never found anything).  We played a version of Chinese Kickball (we went one way around the bases, not both directions).  There was one summer we played it so often that we dug grooves in our neighbor's lawn.

The other one was called Bloody Murder.  It was played at twilight-into-dark, usually during a block party.  We yelled "bloody murder" when we saw the ghoul.

Ever play any of these?  Ah - good memories.

There's more good things that happened this week over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Good Morning Sally! WOWEE - your sister's painting is fabulous. It looks so realistic - I thought it was a photo you took. Goodness, she is missing her calling if she doesn't sell them. God gave her a gift that she should share with others. I hope she has taken some art training? And sweet Mabel blocking herself in that snug little warm cozy. Wedgwood did look quite striking with the pink lips, and lettuce green isn't really the best look on Mabel. I love seeing and hearing about their antics. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Mabel wants breakfast in bed...the NYBeauty blocks are done?! Wowie girl!
    Your sister is talented. My dh wanted to go to MIT but wasn't accepted, but ended up in UMASS Amherst for his masters later on.
    Fun collection Sally!

  3. Your sister's painting is gorgeous! Lucky you getting to see the hawk so close (not so lucky for the songbirds, I guess). We played lots of neighborhood games when I was a kid but I can't recall if we played those...maybe under different names...Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. We get those hawks in our yard, and recently watched one bring down a dove and have a meal. It was pretty fascinating to watch the hawk tear out all the feathers before eating. We think they are Cooper's Hawks. Your NYB blocks are beautiful, as is your sister's painting!

  5. Lovely painting by your sister, of course she should sell and share her talent. Cutie Mabel.

  6. Wow, what a pair of talented sisters! Interesting to see that small hawk and you may get more photos if he finally has luck there. Mabel is cute no matter what and I think it clever too that she knows she needs a wall. LOL
    We too played lots of games, all the neighbourhood kids in the street after school and together. THis was good because we were segregated by religion for school all day, the Catholics and the Protestants. But this was never an issue in game playing.

  7. Your NYB are beautiful. I am enjoying my weekly hamster visits. I have never seen a Sharp Shinned up this close, but that does look like it could be a young Cooper's. We get Cooper's and Red Tail hunting our songbirds sometimes and I sometimes take the feeders down if they are persistent enough. I know they have to eat but not in my backyard, please. Your sister is very talented and should think about selling her work ... :) Pat

  8. I love your sister's painting! She should sell them! Have a great week!

  9. Sally - I am not the best birder, but I think this is a Cooper's Hawk. Great close-up. Sounds like Mabel and Wedgwood are not on the same page … like many a "married" couple? As everyone has said, your sister is talented. What does she do with her paintings if she is not selling them? I miss the childhood games, especially in the summer when the nights were so long. Hide and Seek. Capture the Flag. Baseball. Red rover. Ah, the memories!


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