
Thursday, May 30, 2024

I Like Thursday: May's Finishing Touches

Gardening seems to be taking up most of my spare time, so I don't have much to show for my quilting creativity.  Projects are clamoring for my attention.  May has been a wonderfully productive month with so many things I enjoyed (and to share with I Like Thursday).

Rob had been telling me of a covered bridge in Greenfield (after our covered bridge adventure last December).  Friday's weather was so nice, he took me on a quick tour along the Green River.  We came across a lot of people enjoying the sunshine and the cool water.  I can certainly imagine plunking myself down by the water for a quiet afternoon.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Headboard Headway

I'm still working on Mom's headboard.  It's been really difficult figuring out how to quilt this two color mystery quilt.  Even after deciding to straight line quilt it, I changed my mind about the pattern at least twice.  

I got started last week.  It looks alright, but not inspired.  I'm hating the process though.  Save me.  I haven't used a walking foot in ages, so the first two sections are all ripply.  Probably need to rip those and do it again.  I don't like the machine I'm quilting on (it's the only one with a walking foot).  There's so many stops and starts.  I can't wait to have it done and I'm only halfway through it.  Ugh.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

I Like Thursday: May Musings

May!  Already so chock-a-block full I'm writing my Like post before the end of the month!  Time to share with LeeAnna and friends at I Like Thursday

Ahhh... first kayak outing of the year.  A beautiful evening, and early enough in the season the pond wasn't choked with weeds.  I love being able to explore the nooks and crannies along the edge of the pond (and check out the beaver lodges). 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Trying to Wrap Up


I'm close to wrapping up a couple of projects.  

Getting this jacket finished has been rough.  I wanted to put pockets on the front of it, but I decided it was too short  - the pockets would be just too high to use.  So I've sewed up the sides and have most of it bound.  I need to pick a binding for the sleeves since I ran out of the purple I used for the rest (oops).  I plan to add toggle buttons, hoping to find some at Swanson's.  Then that will be done.