This is becoming a thing: I find things on Freecycle, Craigslist or Nextdoor that come home with me to be refinished. I like the results, but oof - I keep getting sidetracked with impromptu projects.
My latest was a drop leaf table. Rob brought it to my attention and I thought it could replace the trestle table I'm currently using in my sewing room.
I could drop the leaves when not in use, but bring them up when I'm doing a
big project. The table was good solid wood, but in rough shape when I
brought it home. I don't think the wood had ever been finished - water
spots, dirt, spots of paint all over, a bit of mildew, too.
I removed all the hardware (after carefully labeling all of it) then gave everything a good sanding. It was impressive how much just the sanding improved things. The legs lightened up considerably, and I managed to clean off some of the paint and water marks. The only bummer was that the wood was soft and marred easily - so I ended up adding a few more dents and dings in the process.