Grammie's teacups |
Tea time! It's an opportunity to get a little dressed up, eat a variety of wonderful home-cooked food and catch up with what's going on in our lives. There are four of us who host and this was my turn. I invited a few friends and family on top of the small core of regulars. It made for a festive and noisy event.
And the food! I made chicken salad and Welsh cookies. There were savories: Tongue of the Judge, Bad Pig Stew (which was really a good chili) and dates wrapped in bacon. There were corn chips, Waldorf salad and fresh baked bread (which I only got a single slice before it all disappeared). And of course the sweets! There were meringue cookies, brownies, lemon squares and apple pie. We even had crumpets.
I pulled out almost my entire collection of Grammie's tea cups, plus two I recently acquired from a friend of mine. Sadly, two of my teacups have been retired due to cracks. But I know my grandmother would have been thrilled to see them used. Several of them have stories of where they came or why they were purchased.
Conversation and tea flowed. The afternoon just flew by, and before I knew it, the Tea was over. Everyone went home happy and with plenty of goodies. Yum!