Friday, May 10, 2024

Trying to Wrap Up


I'm close to wrapping up a couple of projects.  

Getting this jacket finished has been rough.  I wanted to put pockets on the front of it, but I decided it was too short  - the pockets would be just too high to use.  So I've sewed up the sides and have most of it bound.  I need to pick a binding for the sleeves since I ran out of the purple I used for the rest (oops).  I plan to add toggle buttons, hoping to find some at Swanson's.  Then that will be done.


Mom's quilt will be sandwiched soon.  I struggled with the borders.  Wow, these were a pain to put together.  I'm happy with the result, though.  I really don't want to straight-line quilt it, but I have not been inspired to quilt it some other way.  We'll see how I feel when I have it layered up.

We have found a car for my mother - I'll be so happy to get that off my list of things to do!  Now it's just a matter of purchasing it....


Gardening!  That's been a main focus for the last couple of weeks.  Weeding.  Setting up the rain barrel.  I've cleaned out most of my seedlings from the sunroom.  The nasturtium are taking off on the front porch.  I've moved an old cold frame out on the front steps (I figure it will get a bit more sun than where it was in the sunroom).  I have planters ready for seedlings and have planted most of my spring seeds.  I'm getting there!

So close on so many things!


  1. Your jacket looks amazing! Your button idea sounds good. I love your mom's quilt, too - it does look like adding the border that extends the design would be challenging. And weeds... ugh! I think they're going to take over the world!

  2. Beautiful jacket. Do you have any fabric scraps left to make your own binding for the sleeves?

  3. Totally blown away by your jacket! A wearable work of art, Sally!

  4. Your jacket looks great! I really love it. The quilt for your mom is gorgeous. You're getting a lot done!

  5. Gorgeous jacket! Well done
    I phone pocket on the inside might be handy.


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