Saturday, January 18, 2025

Done With Dithering

I'm done with the dithering.  Maybe.  I hope.  We'll see.

A couple of weeks ago I decided I liked the lighter version of the Midnight Garden blocks, so I went hunting for a grey to replace the black.  It took a few hours and a couple of stops to find what I wanted, but I found something that would do the trick.

Or so I thought....

Once I laid out the fabrics I wasn't so sure.  They're all good choices.  It would be easier to decide if one was terrible.  The grey lightened up the whole quilt, which was great, but it looked a little washed out.


I decided no matter what, I was going with the Solid Middle layout.  Which means I could move forward with the dark diamonds and the silver background.  I have to say they make for a pretty star all by themselves. 


I spent a chunk of yesterday cutting silver triangles, trimming black diamonds, sewing them together, then trimming the resulting triangles.  Ugh - pressing open all those seams.  Lots of little steps, but oh, take a look at the results!

I wanted to test if the larger triangle was true, so I stitched together one of the light grey triangles, then added it to the black.  Oh, look!  Wonderfully square!  The templates I made are accurate and I'm ready to get in the groove.

Look at all those pointy points.  Very pretty.  

I have about 25 triangles done.  I hope to spend a good chunk of time this weekend working on a bunch more.  Amazing how good it feels to be moving on this again! 

Sharing with:
A Quiltery - Put Your Foot Down Thursday
Alycia Quilts - Finished or Not Friday
Nina-Marie - Off the Wall Friday
Quilting Patchwork Applique - Patchwork & Quilts




  1. Hooray for square blocks! I bet that's not easy with all those diamonds. I enjoyed the close in look at those pretty prints, too. The look sure changes when you zoom back out! This is going to be beautiful, Sally!

  2. Such a great feeling when everything works out correctly! Your points are perfect!

  3. You amaze me how you piece these tricky shapes together and get sharp points and all is square. Well done! I can be a bit of a ditherer, too.

  4. I agree, it's so satisfying when everything just falls into place. Beautiful points, colors and fabrics! Thank you for sharing your inspiring work.

  5. I am so impressed with the accuracy of your lines and angles and points!


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