Thursday, September 26, 2024

I Like Thursday: Cukes, Cape, Chicks and a Little Frog

How can it possibly be the end of September?  The trees are turning and it's starting to feel like autumn.  I'm happy with the cooler weather (but not the shorter days).

This year's cucumber harvest was disappointing.  I had hoped to make more pickles!  But this cheeky slice looks like it's winking and smiling at me.  At least the few cucumbers I got were tasty.

My biggest like this month was spending the better part of a week at Cape Cod hosting my annual Chick Weekend.  We had beautiful weather every single day.

Friday included a walk around Fort Hill and a stop by the Penniman house.  I haven't been up there in years.

On Saturday a group of us headed to P-town (with a stop at Atlantic Spice, of course).  We poked around at the shops on Commercial Street.  I'm not sure what caught my attention first: the Ganesh, the sphinx or the eye-popping color of this house (below).  Regardless, I dragged my mother over to check it out. 

Look at that garden!  The whole thing was over the top. I could have spent a lot more time taking in all the details.  What fun!

Most evenings we strolled down from the cottage the bay side to watch the sun set.

My mother and I commented on how much the flats between Campground and Cooks Brook beaches have changed.  There used to be a dozen or so big sandy flats that extended out to the water's edge at low tide.  Now there's just a handful or so, and so many are muddy.

This sunset was taken when the tide was halfway in and there's hardly a flat to be seen!

The ocean side has had even more drastic changes.  Nauset beach had the following infographic by the parking lot showing how much the shore has eroded here. 

I remember the old parking lot and when they moved the lighthouse.  I have a photo of my cousins and I standing on one of the Three Sister's foundation at low tide.  It's hard to believe the lighthouse moved in 1996 - they're going to have to move it again soon at the rate of the erosion. 

We squeezed in two walks at Nauset Light beach (and of course getting wetter than we intended to while playing in the surf).  We asked a nice lady to take our photo.  Her dog, Chong, joined our group while she snapped the photos. 

I am so lucky - I've been able to organize this weekend for nearly 20 years.  It is awesome to gather family and friends together like this to catch up and enjoy each others' company.  Some of these gals I only see once or twice a year now, so it's wonderful to spend some serious time together.

Leaving Cape Cod is always difficult.  It's best to leave on a dreary day with no chance of going to the beach.  (I mitigated my sadness by picking up some pastry and bread at PB Boulangerie.)

I was home for no more than an hour when I spotted this this little gray treefrog wedged between the window panes.  How did he get there?  That part of the window has to be more than six feet off the ground!  We managed to get him out and sent him on his way.

That does it!  Linking up with LeeAnna and friends at I Like Thursday.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful trip in spite of the eroding landscape. Glad you saved the frog...but keep him up there LOL.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful time, and it's great that you have been able to continue the tradition for so many years! I loved visiting Cape Cod a couple years ago, so enjoyed your photos. We went to Nauset Light and the Three Sisters, too! And hiked in Nauset Marsh - beautiful places!


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