Thursday, October 10, 2024

I Like Thursday: Piggies, Pretty Leaves, and Plans

Busy week!  But I've managed to squeeze in a post to share with the I Like Thursday crowd.

On Sunday I attended the Boston Pignic.  Oh, loafy, wuzzy piggies.  Always a delight.  If you clicked on that link you see I'm now fostering a trio of guinea pigs.  They're still settling in, but I'm sure there will be more photos soon.

Remember that little frog that we found hanging out between the window panes last month?  Well, either he changed colors and returned, or he told one of his buddies to try it out.  Rob found this one last week. 


He stayed there about a day and then disappeared.  I have no idea why that window sill was so popular.

Sunday's weather was also perfect for kayaking - sunny, warm and not windy.  Although the Boston Pignic took up most of my day, I packed my kayak and tried out a new place:  Bare Hill Pond.  I was only able to do a short paddle around, but it was nice with the bit of color in the trees!  I definitely want to return here at some point when I have more time to explore.


The Harvard Public Library was on the northeast side of the pond.  Love old buildings like that!  The photo doesn't capture all the masonry details.  The back side of the building had a massive addition.  It was clearly modern, but they kept the brick and clearly mimicked some of the style of the original building.  The whole thing was impressive.

I've been enjoying the fall colors walking around the neighborhood, too.  Lots of gold in the trees.  Some have dropped their leaves already and others haven't even started turning yet.

Oh, boy.  I've gone down the Pinterest rabbit hole trying to figure out what to do with my crumb fabric.  So many ideas.  I've also been assembling or trimming down several orphaned blocks which are too big to be crumbs.  Wondering what I can make with these.  My mom requested seat cushions for some new chairs - that might be where these end up.

I have a few more cleanup projects (making some fabric flowers, playing with a bag full of strings and selvedges, frankesteining some batting).  I need to finish those up by the end of the month so I can tackle a king sized quilt that's next on my list.  Oof!


  1. What a pretty building for a library!

  2. Word must have gotten around in the frog-i-verse that your windowsill is a good spot to hang out in! That looks like a beautiful place for some kayaking - love the fall colors. Have fun figuring out what to do with your orphan blocks! I definitely think they make good small finishes - pillow covers, placemats, etc.

  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that photo of the barn with the trees in the background!

  4. So glad you're fostering again! I always love seeing your pictures. The foliage colors are beautiful! I love the library. It's great to see these older buildings used.


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