Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Powerpuff Girls Fall Photo Shoot

Meet my latest foster guinea pigs from Dakin Humane.  Bubbles, Buttercup and Blossom have settled in quite nicely in the last week.  They were pretty freaked out the first day, but by dinner time they were wheeking for lettuce.  These gals are seriously tuned in to paper pags and kitchen noises.  They go nuts whenever Rob crinkles a bag (for whatever reason they react to him more than me).

The three have very different personalities.   

Bubbles is the largest of the three and I suspect is older than the other two.  She's bossy picks on the other two (although she doesn't always get  what she wants).  


Buttercup is the most people-oriented of the bunch.  She's still shy and usually bolts when I try to reach in and give her a pat, but she was the first to come to the edge of the cage for treats.  She's fairly wheeky.  Loves the hammock.  

Blossom spends most of her time in the third floor cozy and pulls the bundle of hay in front of the opening so no one knows she's there.  Bubbles often tries to oust her from that cozy, but Blossom prevails.  Occasionally I've seen the two of them stuffed in the single cozy - I guess sharing is better than nothing.  Oddly enough, Blossom is the loudest and most demanding wheeker of the bunch and will come out long enough to grab a piece of lettuce and hide to eat it.  She's a fast little piggy!

We rounded them up the yesterday for some glamor shots to post on their Dakin adoption page.  After I managed to get them all on the little table and convince them not to take a flying leap off the edge we managed to snap a few good photos.

They're pretty stinking cute.  I hope someone is looking for a nice (albeit loud) trio of sows.  Although not too soon... I'd be happy to keep them for another couple of weeks. 


  1. omp
    they are stinkin' cute. A trio of models, the pics are so good, magazine worthy, poster worthy! What if you turned one of these into a poster for Dakin to put up for the Fall ?
    I think Blossom, the loud one who looks adorable eating lettuce is my fave

  2. Aren't they cute?! And sounds like they have a lot of personality, too. You took some fun photos of them - someone's going to be very interested!


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