Thursday, April 13, 2023

I Like Thursday: Artistic Eggs

Our neighbors invited us over on Friday afternoon to make Ukrainian eggs.  My sister came with me.  There were six of us, engrossed in eggs, wax and dye.  What fun!  I haven't done this in a long, long time, but the process came back pretty quickly.  I got to know my neighbors better, which was lovely, too!  The smell of the beeswax lingered all evening bringing back good memories.

My sister made the egg with the tulips and swirls.  What a cool design!  My egg has the diamonds and flowers on the ends.  We spent hours working on each of them.  I also made the two-tone one, but unfortunately it cracked as I started melt the wax off (punched my finger right through it - raw egg and dye all over the place).  Ugh!  I continued to clean off the wax because I really wanted to see what it would look like.

I wish I had taken more pictures of the process.  It takes some guesswork and faith, since you cover the color you want to keep with wax before adding the next darker color.  By the time it's done, the egg is all black.  So the reveal is wonderful, watching the colors pop out. 

I hope they do it again next year.  I already have ideas on what I'd want to do differently.

My mother came for Easter.  She brought me tulips.  The pink is so cheerful.  I had my sister and nephew over as well.  Ham for dinner, and a variety of chocolates for dessert!  

My mystery plant I received as a cutting at Christmas time has bloomed.  We're all pretty sure it's a begonia.  I repotted it yesterday.  With the warmer weather and sun, I'm sure everything in my sunroom is going to start growing like crazy.

No sewing this week.  I've been working on the yard - there's still lots to do!

Those are my likes for the week.  Sharing with LeeAnna's I Like Thursday.


  1. Very nice artwork on those eggs! It is a wonderful skill to have.
    Looks like a begonia from here as well.

  2. ooooo the egg art! that's cool Sally

  3. That sounds like a fun get together, and beautiful results, too! Love the tulips - looking forward to mine blooming. Happy Thursday!

  4. The artwork on the eggs is fabulous! What a fun thing to do!

  5. Sally - what a wonderful gathering - friends and crafting. Right up my alley! We also had ham for Easter, and we are still working our way through the mound of leftovers! Thanks for visiting my blog today!

  6. Wow, those eggs look so beautiful and professional too. What a great way to get to know your neighbour. SOunds like a lovely Easter. How nice to be in the garden!

  7. Wow! Such beautiful eggs! It's so nice to get to know your neighbor. I hope you enjoyed the warm temps! I think it's too early for this heat but it's supposed to cool down soon.

  8. Woooow, your eggs all look very complicated and beautiful!!! Fun to have some tulips blooming (where the deer can't get them!) And sounds like you had a memorable family get together for Easter! Happy quilting!

  9. Those eggs look so pretty and the process looks like so much fun. I would love the reveal!

  10. I've never tried that egg decorating art but would love to! Sounds like just the right level of adventure, and a great project for a small group :)

  11. I am very happy to see your colored eggs, what a nice opportunity to get to know your neighbors better :-))) We use the technique of wax decoration in Lusatia/Germany.
    Many greetings to you from Viola.

  12. I made pysanky eggs about 40 years ago to decorate my christmas tree. I learned as I got into my fabric and applique life that this is a form of batik. My eggs were not as pretty as yours. If I did it today, I would wear my hi vision headset as this was very hard on the eyes. I used a candle flame to heat the wax so my eyes went from looking at a bright light to focusing on the small design. Your eggs are beautiful. I was glad I got to do this art form.


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