Laylla on Monday - she's even bigger now
Foster guinea pig Laylla and I are in a race to see who will lose their mind first. It's a pretty close thing; I fully expected Laylla to give birth on Monday and I'm still waiting. Meanwhile, she's a needy, uncomfortable piggy. She rushes to the side of the cage any time I pass by, constantly begging for treats and accepting being patted. She's so blobby when she rests, but I can't get a good photo because she jumps up as soon as I approach. She is wound up and restless and won't sit in one place for long. She's drinking so much water - which I guess is good for flushing those kidneys! Oof.
Rob tells me a watched pig doesn't pop... but she has to at some point! I read that you can hear the unborn pups grind their teeth a week or so before delivery. You can! Sounded like a little ticking timer. Wild.
I know there's at least two pups, but now I'm thinking there's more than that. I'd love to weigh her to see how much she's gained, however she does not want to be picked up, and doing so would stress her out and possibly injure her or the pups. Laylla is still lightning fast and agile even carrying that unwieldy bulk.
When she stretches out, you can see how narrow her shoulders are to the lower half of her body. And when she walks, there's this tiny little butt on the end of that huge belly.
It's gotta be soon, but those pups are taking their own sweet time. We will all be happier when Laylla delivers.