Wednesday, January 24, 2024

This Way and That

The rick-rack quilt top is done.  I'm pleased with the result.  Very cheerful.  Time to brainstorm on quilting designs!  

I ended up ripping out a few blocks to line up the two blues together so the bottom half zigged and zagged like the top.  It was worth the extra work.

The backing is just about done, too!  I stitched together the rejected colors I had originally cut for the front.  I auditioned the strip with gold and a wonky black-and-white print.  I'm leaning towards the gold.  Sandwiching will be next!

But first - I've started my Project Quilting challenge.  Quilting should be quick, but the embellishment may take a while.  That's my focus for the rest of the week.

Sharing with:
QuiltFabrication - Midweek Makers
My Quilt Infatuation - Needle & Thread Thursday


  1. All those rows of ric rac pattern dance gloriously together! The backing looks great, too.

  2. Isn't that neat?! It's definitely cheerful! I love your pieced back, too. The whole project is looking good!

  3. Good work!
    The blues together are perfect.

  4. Hi Sally! Beautiful quilt top. Why not follow the shape and quilt across the rows? Even a variegated thread would look pretty. Can't wait to see what you decide. Good luck with PQ! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. It came out so good! The backing complements the front design perfectly. Great choice!


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