Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Got My Wiggle On

Did a lot of work on this the last two days!  An hour or two of cutting, then several hours of sewing drunkard's path blocks and assembling some squares.  I'm loving how it looks!  I'm debating about doing Green-Yellow-Blue-White-Green-Yellow-Blue or GYBWBYG or BYGWGYB.  I'll rearrange and take photos once I get them all the drunkard's path blocks sewn.  (Although now I realize with how much I've sewn together, some of the crests and troughs may not be easily interchangeable.)  Regardless, I think I may move the light patch of color to the top. 

At this rate, I should have a flimsy by the weekend - just in time to start thinking about backing and start work on the next Project Quilting challenge. 

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Quilt Schmilt - To-Do Tuesday


  1. That's really fun, Sally! I love the colors and the curves. Looks like you're on to something!

  2. Very nice! I like your idea of the lighter color on the top.

  3. That is amazing! Love the colors and the curves.

  4. Loving that your DP blocks are doing the wave! The color sequence as you have it looks good. Do you plan to border it? If so maybe that will affect how you'd like the colors to run?

  5. That order looks good, great job on sewing curves! Curve are my kryptonite!


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