Thursday, July 25, 2024

I Like Thursday: Summer

It's Thursday - time for some the things I liked this month!  Not so fond of the of hot, steamy, wet days so far.  I'm hoping for a little less humidity for the next weekend.  We'll see.  But lots of things that perked me up this month!

Ghost (the deer) stopped by a few times.  One evening a fawn trotted up to Ghost and tried nursing, much to Ghost's surprise (and annoyance).  What is this little pipsqueak trying to do?!?  I hope the fawn found his mom.  I've seen him a few times since.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Feather Flimsies

In less than a week I have two complete sides of a quilt!

I shuffled around a few feathers but mostly kept with my original layout.  Nearly all the feathers were cut from strip blocks, which resulted in six feather pieces that had the same color layout:  three from top-to-bottom and three bottom-to-top.  When I pieced left and right together, I got a set of unique feathers.  I was amused, though, that after I stitched them all together, I can see two sets of rights and two sets of left next to each other.  I guess that means this is truly random. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

A Floor Full of Feathers

Ooh - feathers all over my floor!

I spent a few hours over the weekend digging in the garden.  Then it got too hot, humid and rainy so I switched over to sewing.  I have 25 completed feathers!  That's one more than I need.  I'm in the layout stage.  What fun!

The feathers went together so smoothly and consistently.  In my last post I had questioned if I printed the pattern correctly; given how nicely everything lined up, these have to be the correct size.  Pretty, aren't they?

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Test Feathers

I've finished a couple of test blocks - enough that I'm comfortable with the pattern and ready to cut the rest of the fabric.  The finished quilt dimensions make it appear the block is 18 x 9" finished, but no matter how I set my printer settings, I get it to print a pattern that produces a 17½ x 8¾" block.  I never noticed before (and it didn't matter for the wall quilts I made).  So I'll roll with that.  A slightly shorter quilt is fine and if it feels too skinny, I can add one more feather (or a bit more background) across. 

I added extra fabric to the pieces of one of my test blocks, to make the finished 18 x 9" block.  But the extra work and trying to resize the pattern pieces wasn't worth the effort (and it will be easy to cut that down to the same size as the other).  Now that I am comfortable with the process, I'll be sewing strips and cutting feathers this weekend!