Sunday, August 13, 2023

Spotty, Ghost and Dogfights


I was working in the kitchen when I caught sight of a deer in the front yard.  I saw a flash of white and thought it was a dog, but I wondered why the deer was so calm.  When it came into view from around the bush I realized it was a fawn:  mostly white, with some brown spots.  What a surprise!

As I watched, a second fawn appeared, even more white than the first one with a light brown face.  I've never seen anything like these two.  Obviously twins, although one was noticeably larger than the other.

I posted these photos on nextdoor and have been informed these are piebald deer.  Piebald deer have many of the same health issues as lethal white guinea pigs (which I'm familiar with), which stunt growth and shorten lifespan.  It would certainly explain why the one is so much smaller than the other.

Currently I'm calling one Spotty and the other Ghost.  It was hard to get good photos shooting through the window screens, but I was afraid of spooking Mom.  I'm keeping an eye out for them, now that I know they're in the area.

While I was at the Cape, Rob reported that the hummingbirds were swarming the feeders.  We usually see a few in the yard all summer (with one bad boy that guards the front feeder).  Rob started putting up three feeders last week because they emptied so fast!  There must have been a dozen hummingbirds zipping around the yard yesterday. 

Hummingbirds do not want to share!  They attack in swarms.  They twitter at each other.  I can hear them physically clash with each other in the air when two of them are fighting with each other.  I always thought goldfinches were quarrelsome, but these guys take the prize!  So very entertaining to watch.  

They're getting ready to head south.  One of these days they'll all disappear (and leave behind a full sugar-water feeder or two).



  1. Very nice!
    I've not seen a white fawn before.

  2. Look at those fawns! I haven't seen that before either - you caught some great photos of them. And the hummingbirds - wow! They're so fun to see!

  3. Such great picture of the deer! I've never seen white deer before. Love to see the hummingbirds!

  4. Very interesting about those deer. I've never seen such before. Hope they fare okay out there. Yes, my hummingbirds fight a lot. They are feisty for their size that's for sure. I started with one regular and now there are 8 or 9 sometimes all combatting each other it seems. But I'm glad of the numbers.


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