Thursday, September 28, 2023

I Like Thursday: September's Summary

Ooh - what a September!  I have lots to share with Lee Anna and friends at I Like Thursday.

Kicked off the month by catching up with old friends and co-workers.  I started my first programming job with these guys.  Two of them were new hires with me.  The third guys I jokingly call my work husband - we've been working together for more than 30 years.  Nuts!

My tall friend moved to Japan years ago - I haven't seen him since 2003.  He was in the states for a few weeks, so we took this opportunity to all get together.  I'm so glad we made this work.

Later that weekend I hiked up Mt Watatic with another friend.  What a view!  It was a bit hazy (no doubt from the wildfires), but otherwise beautiful blue skies with nearly a 360-degree view.

Lots of moss-covered stone walls along the hiking path.  It was interesting how some walls were solely flat rocks, then a little farther down the path all the stones were round. 

The next weekend I headed to Cape Cod for Chick Weekend.  We attended some of the Eastham Windmill Weekend festivities, including the parade.

We always enjoy the colors, the cars, the costumes and the floats they have each year.  This year's theme was Under the Sea.  That fishy float had at least a half-dozen "jellyfish" walking beside it.  Excellent!  We all impressed by the gal on stilts (ever single one of us took a photo of her).  The guy and the little gal in the wagon were handing out packets of wildflower seeds.  I'll plant mine next spring and see what happens.


There was a garden that had more sculptures than plants:  fish and spiders, bugs and birds.  A few abstract pieces, too.  We found something new each time we walked by it. 

Every one of us chuckled at this sign on our way to the beach, but Mom made sure I took a picture of her with it.  LOL!


I can't believe I missed this tree across the street until my uncle pointed it out.  It's the national tree of Chile:  a Monkey Puzzle Tree.  The darned thing looked fake, like it was made from oversized pipe cleaners. 

The dead trees around Nauset Light were interesting, too.  The white branches looked like bones among sea grass and other plants.  

The gals and I walked mostly on the bay side of the Cape (some photos here).  We headed to the ocean side a few times as well.  One section of the shoreline had a bunch of seagulls and we soon discovered why:  the surf was chucking crabs onto the beach.  We also found a starfish.  I thought those little wiggling suckers were so cool!

All that summer rain made for a very green garden.  September brought in more color as my marigolds and zinnias bloomed in earnest.  I love how they look!  I will be planting more next year.

Ghost, the piebald deer, was spotted again!  The back of her ears are really pretty - grey on the ears, a band of white, and then the same brown as her face.  I'm hoping one of these days she'll wander closer to the house for a better photo.

Busy  month!  October is shaping up to be just as busy.  Thanks for dropping in. 


  1. You had an amazing month! I had to giggle at the photo with your mom. Can't wait to see what you get up in October!

  2. Hi Sally! Lots of good happenings around your part. I love that you could get together with the Tall guy and your mates. That is fabulous. I also adore the picture of your Mom with the sign! What a great September you had! Can't wait to see what October holds. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. So fun to get together with old friends! Looks like you saw some fun sights this month, too. Love the starfish - so fascinating! Your flowers are looking great, too. The rain does make such a difference.

  4. omgosh the sign! hilarious and of course your mama has a sense of humor! and a car, so watch out!
    great to see coworker friends again, lovely pics, and those jellyfish costumes are so cool

  5. What a great month you had! So fun to see your coworkers again. Love that sign as well a your mom in the picture. Good times!

  6. Wow, what great times you had, Sally. I so enjoyed my read here this morning. That lady on stilts, yikes, and I loved them handing out wildflower seeds. That's a neat idea. Love that photo of all your wonderful workmates with you and of course, your Mom as well. Great sign. You really did have a wonderful month. Happy October now too!


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