Monday, October 2, 2023

October OMG - Yoga Mat Sandwich

Ooh, look!  A finished flimsy!  A little funky, a little art deco.

This will be one side of my new yoga mat quilt.  My October goal is to finish the back and at least get this sandwiched (I'm still debating how much batting I want in it).

I had a bunch of orphaned blocks from three different quilts.  The striped ones were from a baby quilt - I thought they were too busy in the pattern I tried to make.  So I set them aside.  The others are from other baby quilts in the last couple of years.  

It has some odd piecing.  I designed it as I stitched; I would have cut the pieces for the large black spots differently.  It's slightly over 24 inches wide and around 72 inches long.  I'll probably cut it a little shorter before I bind it.  It depends on how much it shrinks when I quilt it.

I have more leftover blocks (plus a pile of stuff on the floor) that I have defied to become something useful.  I'm hoping to incorporate them all into the back.  That's this week's project!

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Stories from the Sewing Room - October OMG


  1. I love the look of your top, Sally! That went together quickly. String blocks make such interesting patterns!

  2. Interesting! Good luck with your goal.

  3. What a great way to use up orphan blocks.

  4. Your stringed diamonds are gorgeous...such vibrant colours. I have discovered the idea of using the really orphaned blocks in the backs of my quilts.

  5. Your yoga mat is going to be gorgeous!! I love it!

  6. A yoga mat quilt? I've not heard of that, but I think I need one! Sometimes my (normal) yoga mat feels a little slick in some poses.

  7. Great use of some orphan blocks! I hope you share it when completed. Maybe a pretty mat would entice me to do some poses! 🙂

  8. You're keeping busy. Love the bright colors with the black contrast. Am a bit confused though when you say yoga mat, how do you keep from slipping if you're doing standing poses on it?
    Sandy's Space

  9. I love those strings with the black! That is going to make a beautiful mat.

  10. I've never seen a yoga mat quilt - is it like a sleeping bag for your yoga mat? It sounds like a great idea and yours will be stunning!


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