Thursday, November 23, 2023

I Like Thursday: November Thanks

November was a rock-and-roll month.  I pushed myself to get things done and to prep for my mother's move.  Whew.  Now I need to slow down and take a break (which is often easier said than done).

Lots of success, though; lots to like and be grateful for.  Good things to link up with LeeAnna at I Like Thursday.

I spent a chunk of time reupholstering chairs, refurbishing a Singer 201 and refinishing the cabinet.  Isn't the purple handsome on the chairs?  I even had enough to cover the sewing machine cabinet's bench.


Rob helped fix the sewing machine - he replaced the wiring and wrestled with the bulb.  We both tried to get the new belt to work, but it was too big.  The new replacement arrived Saturday and works great!  Maybe there will be sewing this weekend?  Check out this post for before and after photos of the machine and cabinet. I am so pleased with the results.

Ghost has been back several times this month.  Our yard is a good place to ruminate, I guess.  What a difference between white and brown deer.  See Ghost's friend?  We always enjoy seeing Ghost (although I'm not so thrilled she ate the last of my kale).

I was so surprised when Mom pulled this bag out of her closet that I immediately snapped a photo to sent to Rob.  We gave up looking for this shopping bag over five years ago - it's been hiding out at Mom's this whole time!  It was one of Rob's favorite shopping bags.  Mystery solved!

The main focus of the month - Mom moved house last weekend.  My sister and I schlepped up to Newbury for last minute packing.  I'm so grateful my sister was able to come - I couldn't have done it without her.  It was a sprint to the finish line.  The movers were wonderful.  They cleared out the house in two hours and after a long drive they wrapped up at the new place by 4pm.  It will take time to settle in and make the new place a home.  It's good to see the pile of collapsed boxes grow.  I am thrilled she now lives less than a half hour away.

The moving stress was compounded by the loss of a long-time friend and then a relative within two days of each other.  We knew each were in hospice, but it was a lot to take in all at once.

My awesome sister gifted me with a session of acupressure, which I've never tried before.  The practitioner was lovely and lives just up the road.  I will need to do that again!  I scheduled that for Sunday morning and then did absolutely nothing for the rest of the day.  Guilt-free glued to the couch.  It was the perfect way to start a week of vacation.

What a month!  There's still a few days to go.  Just think what I could accomplish!  LOL


  1. We do have a love/hate relationship with our deer, don't we. They just assume that the garden plants are fair game. I've never seen a white one. Wow!

  2. Oh, that deer is amazing! I have never seen a white deer!

  3. You've had a busy, but productive November! So glad to hear your mom got moved and the move went smoothly. Ghost is an amazing sight! Interesting that she keeps coming back to your place - must be that garden smorgasbord! Happy Thanksgiving, Sally!

  4. Good to read you got some rest! That's a lot of work y'all did in a short time. Happy Home to Mother! A half hour away must feel like a dream.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Sally - super job with the chairs!!!! And I know what a big task it is to move house, and I am glad you had the help of your sister to get your mom re-located! Sorry to hear about the people you have lost ... always tough even when you know it is coming. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. So sorry about the recent losses in your life. Someone told me a long time ago when I was reeling after a loss following a long, terminal illness, that it doesn't matter what we do, we are never "prepared" for a death. I think that's probably true. Absorbing loss takes time and there's just no way around it.

  7. Wow, lots to take in here, Sally. Sorry for the losses amidst the busy-iness. I've moved a lot in my lifetime so know well the feelings of seeing the boxes pile up and then empty out. It is tiring work but so satisfying. I lost weight packing and unpacking us when we moved from the farm to here. It will indeed be wonderful to have your mom so close. How kind your sister is to have given you such a treat of a treatment. I've heard lots of good about that. Rest now!

  8. had to come over to chrome to comment. I visit but can't always find a way to comment.
    your post is full! Starting with the machine! I'm in awe of you two, puhlease come get mine working! Maybe I'll set that goal for dh to figure out.
    yea for getting the move done,
    I am a big believer in acupuncture... it saved me back in MD... tried it here but not as good as Dr. Yao

  9. You've been so busy! I'm sorry to hear about your losses. So nice that your mother's move went so smoothly. I hope you get some well deserved rest. Hopefully, acupunture will help too!


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