Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Blogiversary #13

Lucky thirteen!  Goodness, where does the time go?  It was a light year - I wrote about half the number of posts compared to past years.  Fingers crossed that's just a blip. 

One of the reason there weren't many posts:  we only had one pair of guinea pigs to write about all year.  But be reassured - there will be piggy posts soon!

In between family obligations, I organized some Chick events (yay for Kripalu!), squeezed in a bit of quilting, and enjoyed the local wildlife, several outdoor hikes and even a couple of museum visits!

I'm hoping to have a bit more free time on my hands in 2024.  Wouldn't that be lovely?  Ideally with fun stuff to share with you.  Thanks for reading!


  1. happy anniversary, long may you keep blogging so we can share your fantastic life

  2. Happy blog anniversary, Sally! I'm happy to have found you and enjoy your posts. Cheers to more fun in 2024!

  3. Happy Blogaversery! (Is that even a word??) So glad I found your blog!

  4. Congratulations on your blogiversary, Sally! I'm looking forward to guinea pig news - I've missed seeing those little loafs :)


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