Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Holly Sweatshirt

Last year I had promised my mother an embellished sweatshirt.  I bought a couple of sweatshirts but both were too big.  Mom found a sweatshirt that fit her, so I appliqued leaves on it.  Of the extra sweatshirts, I made a wonky Dresden design for one sweatshirt.  The other was a little smaller and I wondered all year what I wanted to do with it.  It seemed a shame to just get rid of it. 


Well, inspiration hit - holly leaves and berries.  Nothing fancy.  Plus it used up some the many buttons I have.  A quick little project.  It fits me but is too snug if I wear a turtleneck under it.  I may keep the sweatshirt or pass it along to someone who would enjoy it.  Either way it was a fun finish.


  1. That's a fun way to decorate a sweatshirt, Sally! It's too bad that it's too big for your mom because I bet she'd love it.

  2. Looks festive and perfect for this time of year!

  3. ooo a tasteful holiday sweatshirt! I like it


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