Simethicone, Metacam and Baytril |
I swear that guinea pigs purposely pick the worst times to get sick or take a turn for the worse. Bertie decided to show signs of pain the night before the pignic. Why, Bertie? Why would you stress out your Mama?
She's slowly been diminishing. Overall, her attitude continues to be good. Bertie hasn't been totally exhausted as she had been in early August. But she keeps losing weight, even with hand feedings and a subcue every other day. Her attitude changed, slightly, last week, but not enough for me to worry. However, Saturday night she hopped when she walked - a sign of pain. Her abdomen was hard but not bloated. Since her input and output continued as normal, I decided to wait to bring her to my regular vet on Tuesday.
Once again, the vet was puzzled. Best guess is that we're still dealing with fallout from the viruses. Lungs don't look good on the x-rays (but no worse) and yet she seems to have no problems breathing. Pain in the hindquarters, yet no stones or arthritis. And goodness - with all of those subcues, she certainly shouldn't be developing stones!