Monday, March 20, 2017

Wonky Blocks

I had several ideas what I wanted to do for my next quilt before I picked a wonky square block.  I found Hopscotch (by Nancy Mahoney) that had an uncentered square-within-square; it wasn't wonky as much as simply off-center.  Then I found a couple tutorials that the middle piece is neither square nor centered.  These are really wonky. 

Paper practice
I liked the cockeyed blocks best, but I was a nervous about cutting my fabric; some colors I picked had a small amount of yardage.  It's one thing to read a tutorial, it's another to do it!  Instead, I pulled several pieces of paper from the recycle bin, squared and cut them to get a feel for the squares.  I'm glad I did.  I was not happy with my wonky centers - they were too pointed, too much to one side.  I wasn't getting a feel for what to do.  But then, I squared the center piece and twisted it in the center of the outer block.  Aha!  This I liked.  This I could tackle with some confidence.

I started with 10" squares for stack and whack.  I wanted a finished 8" block with internal squares of 3" and 4".  I made a 3" block first and decided it was too small - it got swallowed up by the outer edge.  With a bit more research I decided a 4" and 5" internal square would be better.

I must say, I really like how they look.  I made about ten of them and began to doubt - would they clash?  How would it all go together?  I plugged along until I finished the 30 blocks I needed.  I figured I needed to see it all together and then modify as necessary.  It is a boisterous colorful combination!  My baby quilts tend to be bright - this thing  is certainly not subtle.  But I like it.  The top is sewn together and I purchased backing over the weekend (not what I expected, but I like it!).  The quilt is speaking to me about quilting - it wants curves and a walking foot.  I had thought I'd be doing freemotion on it, but I guess not!


  1. it looks like the fun you had making it

  2. Fun fun fun! I'm also a fan of cutting up paper for testing before cutting into pretty fabric :) I really like the squared center. It calms the wonky down just enough. Good luck with a quilting plan.


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