Thursday, March 3, 2022

I Like Thursday: Back Up and Running

I'm so happy to be able to share with Lee Anna's I Like Thursday this week.  I am typing this on my new laptop, which arrived two days earlier than promised.  Huzzah.  Spending a week limping by on a tablet and a 14 year old under-powered laptop wasn't fun.  (Doing my taxes took forever - but yay!  they're done too!)  

Sewing!  Totally missed my February OMG.  But lots of quilting done and I'm working on this week's Project Quilting challenge.  I'm hoping to wrap it up tonight.  I didn't want to change out my free motion setup, so I pulled out my little 99 to piece together the circle of geese.  My sewing room is so chaotic right now.

Quilting Icy Colors has come in fits and spurts.  I get moving along and then hit a spot with too many seams (the drawback of a pieced backing) and the stitches skip.  I've also managed to quilt the backing back onto itself in at least two places.  Bummer.  The quilt is half quilted, though!  And it looks pretty cool. 


Snow!  Enough to go skiing.  I discovered my poor boots had rotted over the summer, but held together enough to strap onto the skis.  Luckily cross country skiing is like riding a bike - it's been over three years since I've been on skis.  Far too long!  (This picture was to prove I really did go skiing!)  

I had done research where to ski nearby and wanted to scout out any area my mother could ski if she visits when there's snow.   

First I tried out Cherry Hill, which had a mix of groomed trails around the golf course and broken trails in the woods.  Very pretty and hilly which was fun for me (but would be challenging for Mom).  

The sunlight in the trees and the snow was beautiful.  It was perfect weather.

Then I headed to the top of our hill and discovered there's level skiing to be had up there.  It's break-your-own-trail stuff, but supposedly there's groomed trails if I get all the way to Wendell State Forest (I didn't quite make it that far).  

Cool!  Now I know where I can go for a quick spin on a work day.  

This is Rob being awesome.  After the computer arrived on Monday he spent the afternoon getting it all installed and set up properly.  Woot!  Took me a while to wade through my feeds and inbox.  Let's hope this laptop lasts longer than the previous one.


  1. Woohoo for having a new computer. Oh you had so much snow to cross country. I haven't been since I was a teen. How great to have a partner to set up your new laptop. I took over a month to get mine going.

  2. we got a new laptop and it lasted a few months... the company never stood behind it either. How much work it is to change them!! I tried cross country when I lived in canada and I'm no good at it. Your pq project is moving along, gotta work on mine today

  3. Happy New Laptop!
    It is a lot of fun learning a new machine. :)

  4. Hooray for the new laptop, and Go, Rob! It is great to have a partner who's good at that stuff. The snow, sky, and trees look beautiful for some skiing. Is your Circle of Geese paper-pieced? I have the papers printed out for one, but have never attempted it.

  5. Hi Sally! Oh gosh, I just quilted the backing to itself on the baby quilt I just finished. Annoying. I was able to fix it without ripping anything out, which was a fluke and amazing, but I'll take it! YAY to a new laptop and Rob setting it up for you. Life is good. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Sally - isn't it great to have a live-in tech expert? We get so reliant on our tech, don't we? Glad you are back up and running! Your skiing looks fab. Here, we have gone from bitterly cold temps to warm weather and rain. Most of the snow on our cross-country trails has melted. Boo hoo!

  7. Yay to your honey! It's bad enough trying to understand and get used to the new features of a new computer. Good to have a tech-savvy guy in the house! I've never cross-country skied but I've always wanted to snowshoe! Your Circle of Geese looks pretty. Have a wonderful week!

  8. I share your joy over a new laptop! I got one just before Christmas. I was lucky enough to be with our son, who helped me get it set up and walked me through all the new stuff . I went from Windows 7 on an ancient Dell to Windows 10 on a new IMac Pro! Learning curve but not as bad as I thought it was going to be!
    Glad you got in some skiing. The first and last time a cross country skied I fell and broke my arm! I was too chicken to give it another try! ;b

  9. My laptop is dying too! I need to buy something but have no idea what to get. I've sewn the backing onto itself before too. Fixable but still a pain! I didn't write I Like Thursday this week since I was out all day. Too tired when I finally got back home!


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