Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Return to the Potter League

One pig enters... two come home
Petfinder popped up with a single sow at the Potter League for Animals.  I called on Saturday and discovered five-year-old Jewel was still there.  Sunday morning we packed up Wedgwood, some treats, the extra carry case, and headed to the shelter.

Jewel is a pretty black-and-white Abyssinian.  She came to the shelter two weeks ago with her cage mate.  From what I've been told, they were brought in because they could no longer be cared for.  Jewel had curled toenails, a sliced ear, a large old wound on her back; gut issues and slightly underweight.  That's a first for me - every pig I've adopted before have been "slightly overweight" on their charts.  She's gained a little since being at the shelter.  Her cagemate wasn't as lucky:  her necropsy revealed a large cyst in her abdomen they believe was cancerous.

I sat with Jewel for a while and asked questions before allowing her to meet Wedgwood.  She's a loafy pig, larger than Wedgwood, very curious and relaxed in my lap.  They were very entertaining together.  Lots of burbling, following, leading and a fixation on the hay we brought.

Thirty minutes or so into it, we had a few tiffs, one or two face offs, some humping, but no real escalation.  Then Jewel suddenly got very, very tired.  She flopped along the wall and didn't want to budge even as Wedg hassled her.  So... not a bad start as far as personality conflict, but it was clear I'd be adopting a well-worn sow.

The shelter attendant I worked with was sympathetic, helpful and knowledgeable.  She was also clearly happy Jewel was going home with me.  Honestly, I have mixed feelings.  Bringing Jewel home with me is a recipe for heartache and I'm not happy I'm doing that to myself.  I am hoping she just needs some love, some attention and exercise, and lots of food.  Maybe she'll improve, as long as Wedgwood isn't too neurotic at her (I'm in the middle of introduction drama and stress as I write this).

First step:  survive introductions.


  1. I'm so excited to read more about your new piggy journey! Keep the pictures coming!

  2. Soooo cute! Jewel is gorgeous�� I am melting because of the cuteness.

  3. Two beautiful piggie girls!

  4. It just had to be done! 😉 Hope they settle well together and that her weight picks up. I fully understand the heartbreak thoughts. But also think of the joy she will also bring.

  5. They make a very complementary pair, in terms of looks - I hope they soon get comfortable together. I *really* understand your mixed feelings, but even so, in your position I'd probably have made the exact same decision and then tried to take it one day at a time.
    Welcome to blogland, Jewel!

  6. Aww Sally, what a sweet introduction video. I loved when Wedgwood popped his head under the hay you brought along and peeked at Jewel. I am happy to read in your update that they are getting along fine. While you may be setting yourself up for heartache, you would have been constantly thinking about Jewel at the shelter, wouldn't you? You have given her a good home, lots of love, a companion - what more would you want rather than worrying/thinking about where she went. Now you know! ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. well, she'll have to have meds for PTSD first. Then two years of Freudian Pshchotherapy where she'll lay her troubles at the feet of potty training.

    This is not your first rodeo, you create an atmosphere of safety and she'll relax. Wedgie adjusted remember. Good that you took her home.

  8. You are such a generous person to take on Jewel. I hope it goes well and look forward to hearing more. I am so glad I found you through LeeAnna - I adore guinea pigs and can live vicariously through you!


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