Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Finally Binding

This quilt has taken months to get quilted, which is frustrating for a project that should have been no more than a couple of hours.  It was a mixture of life getting in the way, along with technical difficulties and a lack of motivation (that said difficulties made worse).  I had a block of time this weekend to doggedly apply myself to the problem.  Yay!  Breakthrough!

It took hours to get the first two thirds of this quilted.  I'd quilt a foot or two, then the machine would start skipping stitches.  The more I quilted, the more times I'd need to stop, pick stitches, bury threads and start again.  Checked needle, thread, tension, traded bobbins.  Trading bobbins seemed to work briefly before failing again.  That seemed to indicate the problem was somewhere down there.  I pulled apart the entire bobbin mechanism and found two tiny pieces of packed lint (I love the instructions that come with these old machine!).  I cleaned it, reassembled, and suddenly was in business again.  The last third was quilted in well less than an hour.  Sheesh - the first part took hours of work.

Binding is on and I'm hand stitching it in place.  I have four spots of quilting that need repair (skipped or loose stitches I didn't catch earlier).  Once I have confirmed  the label info I can stitch than on and it will be done!  Maybe if there's some sunny, calm days at the end of the week I can photograph it.  Yay!  I really love the colors on this quilt.  I'm so glad it's nearly done.


  1. Hooray for progress! I forget to clean out that bobbin area at times, too - but when my machine starts sounding a little off I remember!

  2. Sorry you had such trouble but glad you figured out what caused it. I try to remember to clean the bobbin case regularly. Have to get my sewing machine inn for service this or next week, last time was 2015! Long overdue!


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