Saturday, June 17, 2017

The First Warm Day of June

We've had our first warm weather this week - a few days in the 90s and 100s.  I turned on the fans.

This is what I got.

Melting pigs.

Oh, so hot.

So I turned on the air conditioning.  How could I not?


  1. It's so hot mama! It was lovely and warm over here as well...not sure what it was in F but 27 C

  2. Yep. Within a few days I went from having the heat(!) on in June(!!) to getting the little air conditioner cleaned up and running again. And hastened to get the industrial-style barn fans up on a day when my Occasional Helper was here for the lifting-overhead part. And now? Rain. Predicted for 6 of the next 7 days. With possible thunderstorms. This is the craziest "summer" - I begin to doubt whether there will be any vegetable garden at all!

  3. It is also hot in Greece. The temperature is about 35 degrees C.


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