Saturday, October 20, 2018

Dinner Out

When Wedgwood was on a hay/pellet/water diet prior to her surgery, Mabel ate breakfast lettuce on the floor.  Now that Wedgwood is eating veggies again, they have breakfast together on the floor (although Mabel gets a few minute head start while Wedgie gets medicated).  It's a fun way to start the day, with Mabel creeping towards the fridge hoping she'll receive lettuce faster.  Occasionally breakfast ends with a lap around the living room

Dinner is still served in the cage... except last Tuesday night.  I failed to specify where the greens should be delivered, so they were placed onto the floor.  There was much wheeking and confusion.  I decided it was fast to put two guinea pigs on the floor rather than pick up the multiple pieces of lettuce.

Wedg never likes to eat in the open (just look at that suspicious expression!).  The only time she'll be in the middle of the floor is if she's stealing Mabel's lettuce.  Wedgwood grabs the best piece of lettuce she can find, then hightails it back to the stool to wolf it down.

Mabel, on the other hand, stays to eat whatever she finds wherever she finds it.  Kind of like a vacuum cleaner in slow motion.  We tend to spread out the pieces of lettuce to watch her nose around from one piece to another.  This is why Wedgwood steals from Mabel:  why hunt for a small piece of lettuce when all you need to do is find the big fuzzy pig with the guarantee there's greens for the taking?  She's lucky that Mabel would rather just find another piece of lettuce than to fight for the one she had.

After finishing dinner (and waving their nose around hopefully for seconds) they headed home.


  1. lettuce has almost no calories... more please! Mabel is very secure isn't she?

  2. It's really lovely how well their personalities complement each other! So glad Mabel came to stay :)


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