Thursday, October 18, 2018

I Like Thursday: Slow Stitching

Not a whole lot of photos this week.

I like that I caught Mabel trying to hide under the hay.  I would have loved to see how she did it, since the hay had to be dragged over there.  So was it moved for this purpose? or did she just take advantage of hay being there?

I found myself hand stitching a binding, tacking down the front of a vest and hemming a dress this week.  There is something so soothing about working with thread and needle by hand.  My eyes aren't always thrilled with it, but not enough to stop me.

I like that this quilt is finished.  Photos soon.

I like the cooler weather - we had to turn on the heat!

More Rumi:

     Let the lovers be disgraceful, crazy,
     absentminded.  Someone sober
     will worry about things going badly.
     Let the lovers be.

When I was younger I wouldn't have understood if someone had told me that, and never let myself get truly love drunk.  But recently I found myself expressing this sentiment to someone worrying about a pair of lovers.  So I chuckled when I read it.

There's more to smile about over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.  Enjoy.


  1. Hi Sally! Yes, this is the perfect weather for a bit of hand stitching. That's why I enjoy finishing off the binding so much - I get to be the first to snuggle under the quilt and enjoy its warmth. Aww, Mabel is so cute. I wonder if she was happy with just her head under the hay?! I'm looking forward to the reveal of your quilt. It sure looks fabulous already. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. she's playing you can't see me! I wonder does she know Wedgie is not well? I love your poetry shared... wouldn't it be nice to share a dinner party with Rumi? Find out how he thought... He? She? The sentiment is really applicable in general isn't it. Let the person lost in a book read, and someone else will pick up the slack for a moment. Let the cook do her thing, and someone else run errands this time.

  3. I agree with LeeAnna maybe Mabel is like Bobbin, or the younger grand kids. If I can't see you, you can't see me, and you must not be talking to me. Yep we had to turn the heat on too.

  4. I completely go into the zone when I am sewing. It's my Happy place.

  5. I love hand sewing things, too! Binding is my first favorite, but I've been working on a hexie project this year that has turned out to be really enjoyable. Such personalities your guinea pigs have!

  6. Love Rumi and coincidentally listened to a radio show on CBC talking about him...what a phenomena. Hand sewing is totally therapeutic!


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