Sunday, January 15, 2023

Yay for Hay!

Dakin foster guinea pigs, Bleu and Provolone, are still hanging out with us.  They've been getting along quite well for a pair of young boars.  Bleu wants to be bossy every so often and ousts Provolone from a favorite cozy or chases him away from the hay rack (which is why there are two separate places to eat hay in the cage).  

Generally, though, things are peaceful.  The boys don't like to be separated.  They're pretty good at sharing and will often be at the pellet bowl or hay rack together.  The often nap close together.

They've been with us long enough to learn the routines, including when we're most likely to bring treats from the kitchen.  Provolone has a sing-song wheek and has also mastered the very pitiful you-haven't-fed-me-in-days wheek.  He's the one that speaks up first.  Bleu's squeaking, when he decides to speak up, is much more straight forward and demanding.  

Provolone still does not like to be touched in the cage.  He's fine when he's picked up and held.  I'm not sure if this attitude will change as he gets older.  He may just not like humans.  Bleu is the opposite - he likes scritches around his shoulders and generally is okay at being touched and picked up.  He's first to come to the edge of the cage for treats.

Our morning routine is always entertaining.  Very early on in the video I laugh because Bleu jumps up to the second level, landing on all four paws at once.  Not the usual way he usually jumps up there!

My prior foster, Mark, would get down to eating as soon as the pellets hit the dish.  These guys get all worked up, though, and dance around the cage even after the hay is in.  Yay for hay!  

These guys like to have a taste of everything when they eat, too.  Most guinea pigs will focus on the lettuce and polish that off, then move onto pellets, then hay.  Provolone and Bleu like to eat a little lettuce, then eat a few pellets, a strand of hay, and go back to the lettuce. 


  1. I eat a bite of this a bite of that on my plate too. DH eats most or all of one item at a time, weird! I love their dance and singing

  2. Awww! They are so cute squeeking and jumping!
    Thank you for posting about them

  3. Sally - I love how you call them the Cheese Boys! And how adorable they are, running and jumping. One of these days ...


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