Friday, February 10, 2023

The Cheese Incident

"I got bit!" I exclaimed.  I examined my injured hand as two little marks welled up.  I couldn't remember if I had ever been bitten hard enough to draw blood before.

With all the guinea pigs I've cared for and Pignics I've worked on I have rarely been chomped on.  I've had nips, generally from stressed out guinea pigs that I'm medicating or otherwise treating.  Sometimes the occasional taste-test from young guinea pigs or the over-zealous chomp when offering bits of carrots and my fingers got in the way.  I've had what I call "touching teeth" (the guinea pig whack you with their teeth - like a punch, but no biting pressure) from irritated guinea pigs that telling me they want to be left alone.  Prior to this, the worst incident was getting between two arguing sows (total accident and all parties were sorry afterward).  That's why you should always use the Dustpan of Doom™ to break up a fight.


Given these guys hadn't even tried to taste-test me, having Bleu draw blood was a real surprise.  Once I got over the shock, I was rather impressed.  That little pig opened his mouth big enough to get those teeth a whole inch apart.  Plus he was silly enough to attack something my size (although I guess my hand was a reasonably-sized target). 

Why would he do such a thing?

Well... Provolone is partly to blame, even though he'll tell you he had nothing to do with it.  I was giving them the egg-cersizer filled with carrot to play with.  Bleu tends to hog it, so I attempted to catch Provolone to give him a bit of carrot away from Bleu.  Provolone refused to be caught, ran around the cage and then screamed like bloody murder when I cornered him.  

Help, help, I'm being mugged!  

That's when Bleu charged in and bit me hard.  Ow!

As far as Provolone was concerned, I was the in the wrong.  All I wanted to do was give him his very own carrot so he wouldn't have to share.  He thinks Bleu is a hero (even though Bleu pesters him every single day).  So even though Bleu stands accused, I think a good lawyer can get him off with time served.  

What do you think?


  1. laughing at the coverage of the incident.
    my take on it, Bleu was protecting brother, and could be seen as a good thing that bond. However a fear or defense biter is scary and unpredictable.
    the moral of the story is provolone doesn't know what's good for him so future consideration might not be called for. He gets what he can after bleu is done.
    there is some hierarchy going on we might not understand... but be careful out there Sally. No good deed goes unpunished!

  2. Ouch! Those kinds of surprises are not fun. Sounds like you investigated the incident thoroughly. I love the photo of the perpetrator!

  3. Sally - my husband and I are absolutely howling at your pictures of the perpetrator! Exactly like police snaps!!! Sorry you were bit, but you turned it into such a clever post. We agree with LeeAnna - sounds like Bleu was rushing to Provolone's defense.

  4. Ouch! That hurts to even think about. But in his defense, I think Bleu was a hero. It was probably really scary to attack such a big bully who was chasing his brother.

  5. Ouch! Also, I relate. And the mug shots are PERFECT!

  6. So sorry this happened but your 'story telling' is excellent!


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