Monday, December 27, 2021

Blogiversary #11

Eleven years of blogging.  Time flies!

What started as a way to share guinea pigs and sewing projects has grown a bit beyond that (although that's still the heart of the matter).

I've been keeping up with the cavy portion of my blog:  I fostered at least eleven guinea pigs this year (I lost count).  Plus I pigsat a pair of foster guinea pigs for a week.  Certainly watching Buckaroo Banzai being born on my lap was a highlight of the year.

Crafting has been in fits and spurts.  I had a creative stint early in the year while participating in Project Quilting.  Then my sewing waned during the summer and fall.  My cooking suffered the most, since I bake mostly for Game Day and Chick events - and there were very few of those this year.  

I squeezed in some kayaing with my sister.  We even managed a Chick Weekend at the Cape.  How lovely to see friend and family in person this year.

I've met lots of terrific people in the blogosphere.  Many I've gotten to know from LeeAnna's I Like Thursday posts - I can't believe I've been participating in that for five years now!  Thanks to everyone for their feedback and encouragement.  I'm looking forward to what I create and blog about in 2022!




  1. Happy Blogiversary to you, Sally! It's always a delight to visit you. Just look at all those happy smiles. Fabulous photos! I look forward to visiting your happy place during 2022 to see what you are up to.

  2. Happy Blogiversary, Sally! I really enjoy your blog - the guinea pigs, your quilty adventures, and posts like on I Like Thursday. Lots of fun to be found here! Thanks for inviting us into your world!

  3. Happy Blogiversary!🌻
    Your blog always makes me smile.
    Thank you!

  4. Sally - congratulations on your 11th Blogiversary! You made me think for a moment - I suspect I am coming up on my fifth blogiversary in May!

    Happy New Year to you! I find a new, blank "sheet" of a year is very inspiring!


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