Monday, December 30, 2024

Finishes for 2024

This year's finishes was a real mishmash of stuff - a handful of postcards, various quilted objects, a few wall hangings, a baby quilt and a throw quilt - along with some not quilted objects. 

Irish Chain postcard, water bottle holder, flowers for my hair
More postcards: Milky Way, Birdhouse and Time Flies

I have been really enjoying Project Quilting - this year's challenges resulted in most of my mini pieces.  I created four new postcards, which were a blast to dream up and assemble.  I finally made a water bottle holder for myself (that's been on my project list for years).  I also completed two wall hangings - the citrus one was one of the challenges, whereas Marmalade used up all the leftover citrus wedges.  My last mini piece(s) were flowers for my hair to go with my dancing outfits.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Blogiversary #14

 Happy blogiversary to me - I'm 14 years old!  

The year flew by!  A bunch of baby guinea pigs, good family get togethers, a chunk of time spent with my mother, a summer spent digging in the garden.  Not enough time sewing and I wanted to spend more time with my friends - but looking back it was a good year doing things I enjoyed with people I love.

Thank you, readers, for coming along for the ride.  I appreciate your comments and feedback (both written and in person!).  I'm looking forward to another year of family, friends, piggies and quilts.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

I Like Thursday: Happy Boxing Day


Another year nearly over.  One last I Like post for 2024.

I've been enjoying the wood stove in our sunroom.  Still learning how much wood to put in and when.  I've spent a few relaxing afternoons watching the birds and the fire.  Ahhhh... very zen.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Lightened Layouts

These are the same Midnight Garden layouts as I posted yesterday with just one fabric replaced.  Looks different, doesn't it?  I used a grey that I had in my stash.  I don't have enough to put in this quilt.  If I run with this, I think I'll get something just a tiny bit darker, or maybe a large print.

Solid Middle

Monday, December 23, 2024

Block Layout Tryouts

I have completed 448 diamonds for the Midnight Gardens quilt.  Whew!  And goodness, they'll all need to be trimmed.  But before I start doing that, I need to know how they'll be laid out (it makes a difference which side I trim first).  I had intended to spread them all over the floor, but realized it would be better to take photos of a single block and lay them out on the computer.  

In doing so I discovered a few things.  First, I may nix the idea of using different combinations that I had considered last month.  That might have worked if this was a scrappy quilt.  I'll play some more with that when I get a chance.

It's amazing how the same pieces in a different orientation change the whole look.  I found that some blocks I really liked weren't as nice when all put together.  I captured five different layouts. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Crispy Christmas (Sixteen Days Old)


The Rice Crispy Boys!  Back for one last hurrah.  They must be big boys now in their forever homes.  But look at how cute they were at sixteen days old when I took these photos last March.  

Snap takes up more room in that box than he did in the prior photo shoot

Friday, December 20, 2024

Diamond Piles and Rounding Errors


I have stacks and stacks of diamonds.  They are spread across two rooms in various stages of completion.  I've lost track of how many I've cut (I think I have an extra 14 for some colors).  Oops!

I spent the week cutting and stitching them together.  Right now I have only 40 or so finished ones.  The majority are pinned ready for stitching and ironing and another 100 left to pin.  Eventually I will end up with two sets of 224 complete diamonds. 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Crispy Christmas (Nine Days Old)


Do you recall the Rice Crispy boys from last spring?  We did a couple of photo shoots with my little coffee cups.  Adorable!  But what is as good as baby guinea pigs in tiny cups?  Baby guinea pigs in Christmas wrapping.  So we had a little Christmas in March!

They were only nine days old for this photo shoot.  So tiny! 

Hmm... how tasty is that box?

Thursday, December 12, 2024

X Marks the Spot

I spent a few hours cutting initial blocks, creating custom templates, remeasuring and testing the plexiglass templates.  I felt I wasn't getting anywhere fast, but I knew I'd start making progress. 

Cutting the strips just an eighth of an inch wider and using the template let me stitch together and trim down to perfectly sized diamonds.  Success!  I also figured out how to consistently get the points to line up (well, 13 out of 14 - not bad).  Took way too long to do those...

however ...

Monday, December 9, 2024


I started the test block for the Midnight Garden quilt and soon realized it might be tough to keep the pieces square and true.  One way to helps this along is to cut some of the pieces a little large.  That requires them to be cut down to size before they all go together.  So I made a set of four templates to help with the process (they're hard to see - but plexiglass to the rescue!).  One triangle to help with the fussy cutting, another to enlarge; the diamond will to trim those pieces down the size and the big triangle will ensure the block will be square.  

Now that I've finished baking holiday cookies and got most of my cards sent, I'm hoping to spend some time working on this!

Thursday, December 5, 2024

I Like Thursday: All Sorts of Cookies

A quick little I Like post full of cookies to share with Lee Anna's I Like Thursday.

This year Thanksgiving weekend was focused on cookies.  I made cookie dough before Thanksgiving, baked cookies the day after Thanksgiving, then attended the family cookie swap party on Sunday.

I dusted off an ancient recipe for date filled cookies to swap.  I remember the cookies were always really big, so I worked to make three smaller rolls.  I had to make extra filling to accommodate the larger surface area - but they came out quite nicely.  The other goodies will be gifts - stuffed figs, caramels, berger cookies and white chocolate dipped ginger molasses cookies.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Girls Are Gone

The Powerpuff girls have all gone on new adventures.  The house is startling quiet now that the last two have departed. 

Buttercup left us a week ago - adopted to be a companion to another guinea pig that had just lost her cagemate.  I had some apprehension about splitting the trio.  Buttercup was the most person-oriented of the bunch, often hung out with Blossom and forced Bubbles to split her time harassing the two of them.  We had a very noisy week once she left.  Bubbles constantly pestered Blossom and Blossom had no qualms screaming at her.  Poor Blossom spent a lot of time getting ousted from cuddle cup, cozy, hammock and hay simply because Bubbles could force her to move (not that Bubbles actually wanted any of those things).  

Thursday, November 28, 2024

I Like Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving

Lots going on, lots to like this month, not a lot to share.

We had a pretty sunset a few weeks ago - lots of blue and purple.  There is a crescent moon hiding between the trees in there somewhere, too.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, with good food and family love.  It will be quiet this year - just my mom coming over.  But I'll be grateful all the same - there's a lot of good in my life. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Quilt Prep

Next up on my project list is a black and white king.  Sometimes the biggest hurdle in starting a new quilt is all in my head.  What if I make mistakes?  What if I don't like how it turns out?  Am I ready to put in the focus it takes?  Ugh.

So I start in small pieces, slowly.  First up, wash the fabric.  For this quilt, that was a project all on its own.  Just look at the pile of it on my ironing board!  Ironing all that took over two hours.  It gave me a chance to know the fabric - feel the weight and the texture, see how well it behaves.  Now it's flat and folded and ready for the next step. 

Most of my quilts are inspired by other quilts or entirely my own design.  Usually I jump straight to cutting and sewing blocks once the fabric is prepped.  Midnight Garden has instructions.  On a quilt this size, I need a test block to ensure I'm cutting all the pieces the right size and that they'll fit together.  Nothing worse that cutting large amounts of fabric and discover it's the wrong size (especially if the pieces are too small!).

  I bought the fabrics having an idea of the grayscale values in the pattern and a guess of how it will all look together.  Sometimes what looks good next to each other doesn't look right when pieced. 

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Powerpuff Piggies


The foster guinea pigs from Dakin Humane have learned to rule the roost.  Ah, yes, the good life. 

Blossom (the one with the black and tan butt) is amazingly insistent whenever anyone is in the kitchen.  We are there only to serve her goodies - there is no other option.  In contrast, she's also still the most timid of the trio, almost always bolting when I come near the cage (unless, of course, I have food in hand - not sure how she knows that).

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Playing with Buttons

I wanted to decorate some hair combs to go with my dancing outfits - I was in need of something blue.  I enjoyed making the fabric flowers; now I wanted to play with buttons.  I wasn't happy with the buttons I had, so I found some blue and green (and unexpected gold) buttons at Swanson's.  The blues and greens are not as vibrant as I wanted, but I think they will look nice.  I fell in love with the golden-brown buttons and bought them without any specific plans.  They fit on a comb nicely and I can already think of at least one outfit that will go with.  

It was a quick evening project to wire them together with a bit of florist wire.  

Sharing with:
Quilt Schmilt - To Do Tuesday
My Quilt Infatuation - Needle & Thread Thursday

Monday, November 4, 2024

Being Blobby Between Beggings

The Powerpuff Girls (my current fosters from Dakin Humane) are settling in.  Blossom is still terribly shy, but also happens to be the wheekiest of the bunch.  

Buttercup has learned that scritches are good - she doesn't run away quite so often and leans into me when I scritch her head and shoulders.  Oh, yeah, right there is good.

I often find these two hanging out on the third level.  Blossom is always in the cozy and Buttercup camps out as close as she can to the cozy, but never in it.  

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Halloween Happenings

We had unseasonably warm weather on Thursday for Halloween.  I thought I would be going on a solo mission to the town center.  But last minute, my sister was able to come with her partner and brought our mom.  I also convinced Rob to come, so we were a crowd!  

I'm always so impressed with the decorations.  This buffet was my favorite.  A ghostly twisted Mad Hatter tea?  Down the street from them is a rocking graveyard which is always fun to see. 

Thursday, October 31, 2024

I Like Thursday: October Is Not Quite Done Yet

One more I Like Thursday post this month.  Crazy, right?

Ooh - what do you think of this crazy-elegant Halloween lady with her pearls.  Totally styling, right? 

Mmm... black and white.  I spent Saturday buying yards and yards of black, white and grey fabric for a king sized quilt I'll be making.  How appropriate for October - I'm terrified to tackle this project and yet I can't wait to start working on it! 

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Big Step, Little Step

My next project, by request, will be a black-and-white (I guess technically grey scale) king sized quilt (with 14" drop).  I offered the recipient a half dozen or so patterns I was willing to do, and they picked a quilt pattern named Midnight Garden.  The pattern is for a throw quilt - I'm keeping the block size and adding more blocks  and will skip adding the borders.  

I planned out the quilt, crunched the numbers and triple checked the yardage (I'm notorious for not getting quite enough).  I usually linger over that step of planning for a while, coming back several times to review my work with a fresh head.  On Saturday I was ready to take the plunge and buy the fabric... and came home with nine pounds!

Friday, October 25, 2024

New Invisible Wall

I was lucky enough to snag a large sheet of plexiglass on Freecycle.  Woot!  I was imagining all the quilting templates I could make from it.  First, though, I sliced off a piece to replace the rusted third-level grids for the guinea pig cage.  

Thursday, October 24, 2024

I Like Thursday: Pigs, Poets, Pumpkins, Prancing and Paddling

Whew!  Lots going on in the last two weeks!  So many great things to make me happy.  Let's see - the Powerpuff Girls are settling in.  There's been much loafing when they're not fiercely demanding treats.

There really is a guinea pig in that photo... the first week Bubbles tried to hide under everything. 

They're learning to beg properly and they're enjoying the three level cage - everyone has favorite spots.  And they were pretty excited to check out the cleaned cage.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Fall Flowers

Years ago I "fixed" a stained tank top by adding flowers all over it.  It was a fun project and I get a lot of compliments on it at the dances.  The flowers were fun to make and I had always hoped for a reason to make more.

Lo and behold - an occasion presented itself.  Several of my dancing hair clips are falling apart and I could use more that match other outfits.  I thought these little flowers would be cute!

I've spent the last several days making these.  I rummaged through my scrap fabric for colors.  Then I had to recall how I made the first set of flowers.  Now have a dozen flowers.  Even though that's plenty, I'm ready to make some more!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Powerpuff Girls Fall Photo Shoot

Meet my latest foster guinea pigs from Dakin Humane.  Bubbles, Buttercup and Blossom have settled in quite nicely in the last week.  They were pretty freaked out the first day, but by dinner time they were wheeking for lettuce.  These gals are seriously tuned in to paper pags and kitchen noises.  They go nuts whenever Rob crinkles a bag (for whatever reason they react to him more than me).

Thursday, October 10, 2024

I Like Thursday: Piggies, Pretty Leaves, and Plans

Busy week!  But I've managed to squeeze in a post to share with the I Like Thursday crowd.

On Sunday I attended the Boston Pignic.  Oh, loafy, wuzzy piggies.  Always a delight.  If you clicked on that link you see I'm now fostering a trio of guinea pigs.  They're still settling in, but I'm sure there will be more photos soon.

Remember that little frog that we found hanging out between the window panes last month?  Well, either he changed colors and returned, or he told one of his buddies to try it out.  Rob found this one last week. 


He stayed there about a day and then disappeared.  I have no idea why that window sill was so popular.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A Pignic and Powerpuff Girls

Time for some guinea pigs!  

Let's kick it off with a trip to Wellesley for the Fall Boston Pignic.  A delightful variety of guinea pigs show up, including two skinny pigs and a skinny wannabe (lower left) that I fell in love with.  Lots of loafy piggies that filled the weighing bowl, and a few Abyssinians with bed-head.  The white and grey was my favorite.

Oh, squishy piggies!

All girl piggies attended this time - not a single boar.  We haven't had the numbers so uneven since the early pignic days.

It was a beautiful sunny day albeit on the cool side.  The girls didn't seem to be bothered - it didn't slow them down from eating all that grass.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Crumbly Fabric

My crumb containers were overflowing from scraps generated from several quilts.  I spent the last week sewing them together.  My last set of crumbs ended up in my Hexie Crumble quilt.  This time around I lumped similar colors together: black, gold, purple, orange, red, brown, green, blue and cream.  Some fabric doesn't fit into a single category the scrap already had different colors sewn together, so I have some multi-colored patches, too.  Right now the green and multi-colored ones are biggest.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

I Like Thursday: Cukes, Cape, Chicks and a Little Frog

How can it possibly be the end of September?  The trees are turning and it's starting to feel like autumn.  I'm happy with the cooler weather (but not the shorter days).

This year's cucumber harvest was disappointing.  I had hoped to make more pickles!  But this cheeky slice looks like it's winking and smiling at me.  At least the few cucumbers I got were tasty.

My biggest like this month was spending the better part of a week at Cape Cod hosting my annual Chick Weekend.  We had beautiful weather every single day.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

I Like Thursday: Random Goings-on

Mostly likes to share with LeeAnna and friends at I Like Thursday.  

Quilting cleanup projects are on deck, which are my favorite sewing projects to work on.  However, I'm not getting anywhere!  Better weather has lured me to spending time in the garden.  I dislike the lack of sewing, but I'm enjoying the gardening.

A tale of two sunflowers - both of these were planted at the same time.  The one near the house took off - the head must be about a foot wide.  The one closer in the photo struggled and the seed head is maybe three inches.  It's pretty, though!

Major dislike - my phone flaked out.  I spent tons of time working on it, thought I fixed it, then three days later it randomly shut down and refused to reboot.  A week later I spent another two days setting up a brand new phone.  Lots of teeth gnashing.  Not fun.  I'm aggravated over learning a new UI and sound setup.  Ugh.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Quick Trip to the Fair

I entered two quilts in the Franklin County fair.  I'll be coming home with two blue ribbons.  How exciting!  I think they made notes on the back, so I'm looking forward to that.

My mother and I looked at several beautiful quilts and interesting arts and crafts.  There was a huge cathedral windows quilt (that I didn't think to photograph).  As we were admiring it, the woman who made it stopped by and asked if we had questions.  Oh, yes!  We found out it took 12 years to make.  I can believe that - there were so many little squares.  They were hand pieced, then machine sewn together.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

I Like Thursday: August Accomplishments

Let's squeeze in some more likes this month to share with LeeAnna and friends at I Like Thursday.

I spotted this in the way home from an evening kayak.  I'm not sure what caught my eye first, the antique truck or the mini-church.  I stopped to get a closer look.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Quilted Jacket

I'm finally posting my quilted jacket.  I finished up the stitching in May except for a set of buttons.  Turns out adding said buttons was harder than I anticipated.  Third time is a charm!  I found a set I like last weekend and wrapped it up.  Just in time, since I plan to submit it to the local fair.

Hmm... I guess I didn't post much on the process.  This was one of those sweatshirt jackets in which you pull apart a sweatshirt, quilt fabric onto it, then reassemble it.  I found a couple of tutorials, had a rough idea of of fabrics and a design and I took the plunge.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

I Like Thursday: Kayaking, My Clan and a Claw

Ooh - a mid-month I Like post!  I finally got around to hitting the highlights of my trip to Cape Cod the last week in July.

It was a great time and the weather mostly behaved.  I brought my kayak and got out a couple of mornings.  Sunday morning was so calm and still - would you believe this photo was taken out in Cape Cod Bay?  It was quiet, too:  I could hear the water lapping on the shore.  The water was clear enough, too, to see my shadow on the sand below.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Big Floppy Sun Hat

I saw a sun hat made of strips of fabric.  I loved it!  The concept seemed so simple, like a coil rope bowl.  I wish I had taken a photo of it (I may have at the time, but if I did, I accidentally deleted it).  It seemed so obvious that I thought I could find some tutorials or examples online.  Nothing.  The closest one was a tutorial that twisted fabric, but nothing that showed a flat, shiplapped design.  I did some random research, tried to remember as much as I could about the hat, and struck out on my own (no surprise to my regular readers).

Friday, August 2, 2024

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather is finished and was gifted this weekend.  I put the last stitch in on Saturday morning then I handed it my cousin and his new wife on Sunday morning.  I'm bummed I didn't get more time to admire it on my wall, but it was nice to be able to give it to them in person.

What a sprint to the finish!  I spent every free moment I had last week to complete it.  I got up early to work on the quilting before going to work and then sat right down again after dinner.  It all went smoothly until Monday night, when suddenly my bobbin nested and the top thread snapped three times after only stitching a few inches.  I panicked.  I had quilted not quite half the quilt and it had gone so well!  No skipped stitches; no broken thread.  How could this happen?  I swapped out the needle and the bobbin and cleaned all around the plate and mechanism.  Don't know what fixed it, but I was able to continue along.  Whew!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

I Like Thursday: Summer

It's Thursday - time for some the things I liked this month!  Not so fond of the of hot, steamy, wet days so far.  I'm hoping for a little less humidity for the next weekend.  We'll see.  But lots of things that perked me up this month!

Ghost (the deer) stopped by a few times.  One evening a fawn trotted up to Ghost and tried nursing, much to Ghost's surprise (and annoyance).  What is this little pipsqueak trying to do?!?  I hope the fawn found his mom.  I've seen him a few times since.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Feather Flimsies

In less than a week I have two complete sides of a quilt!

I shuffled around a few feathers but mostly kept with my original layout.  Nearly all the feathers were cut from strip blocks, which resulted in six feather pieces that had the same color layout:  three from top-to-bottom and three bottom-to-top.  When I pieced left and right together, I got a set of unique feathers.  I was amused, though, that after I stitched them all together, I can see two sets of rights and two sets of left next to each other.  I guess that means this is truly random. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

A Floor Full of Feathers

Ooh - feathers all over my floor!

I spent a few hours over the weekend digging in the garden.  Then it got too hot, humid and rainy so I switched over to sewing.  I have 25 completed feathers!  That's one more than I need.  I'm in the layout stage.  What fun!

The feathers went together so smoothly and consistently.  In my last post I had questioned if I printed the pattern correctly; given how nicely everything lined up, these have to be the correct size.  Pretty, aren't they?

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Test Feathers

I've finished a couple of test blocks - enough that I'm comfortable with the pattern and ready to cut the rest of the fabric.  The finished quilt dimensions make it appear the block is 18 x 9" finished, but no matter how I set my printer settings, I get it to print a pattern that produces a 17½ x 8¾" block.  I never noticed before (and it didn't matter for the wall quilts I made).  So I'll roll with that.  A slightly shorter quilt is fine and if it feels too skinny, I can add one more feather (or a bit more background) across. 

I added extra fabric to the pieces of one of my test blocks, to make the finished 18 x 9" block.  But the extra work and trying to resize the pattern pieces wasn't worth the effort (and it will be easy to cut that down to the same size as the other).  Now that I am comfortable with the process, I'll be sewing strips and cutting feathers this weekend!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Feathers to the Front of the Line

My "cleanup" projects are stacking up.  I have overflowing bags of strings and crumbs and selvedges that I really want to work on.  However... my next throw quilt is anxiously telling me I need to get started now if I have any hope to have it completed by the end of July.  Which I'd like to do without rushing any of it, knowing that I always run into unexpected snags.  I started reviewing the instructions, templates and fabrics so I can dive into the work.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

I Like Thursday: Jumpin' June

June is flying by (although the heat last week slowed things down a bit).  Lots of good stuff happened.

I've been really enjoying the garden.  It's been a good spring for growing and for the first time in two years the yard is not overrun with ticks.  I'm finally getting the hang of the garden's rhythm and I can identify many more plants than I could when we first moved in.

I'm not the only one enjoying the yard:  look at all that grass (and clover) and one bitty bun.  He's behaving better than the deer (who decided to lop off two mallow plants and a sunflower that had been doing so well).

Monday, June 24, 2024

Observations and Tweaks

My trip to Kripalu gave me a chance to play with a couple of my recent projects:  a yoga mat and a water bottle carrier.

Overall I've been really pleased with the yoga mat's performance.  I have been using it sporadically at home the last several months and brought it to my yoga weekend for a good workout.  

I had already made modifications to the grippy sections (by adding on those triangle sections above the chevron) after a week or two.  The center tends to stretch because the block bias runs top to bottom.  It would have been better with a  different pattern and likely a solid, unpieced back.  It creeps about on the rug a bit.  That's fine at home, but I was afraid it would really slide on the hardwood/linoleum floors at Kripalu.  

While I was there I placed my mat over one of their yoga mats, which stayed put really well.  On the one hand, that kind of defeats the purpose of making my own mat.  However, it made me happy to take my classes on such a colorful mat (and I dislike the way their mats smell). 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Half and Half Headboard

I finally finished my Two Colour Mystery quilt (the pattern is now officially called Half and Half).  It's been a fun and frustrating project as I tried new things and experimented.  

This was my first time participating in a mystery quilt.  I was intrigued when Joanne announced the two color mystery quilt on Canuck Quilter.  I have always enjoyed watching others' progress with mystery quilts, but haven't had the time nor faith in my color selection to participate myself.  But only two colors?  Hard to go wrong with that.  

Around the same time, my mother had asked for a wall hanging to cover the wall above her new full-sized bed.  (Interestingly enough, not a quilt for the bed itself... how long before she hints about that?  LOL)  Excellent.  I could join in on the mystery quilt and know what I was doing with it.  I let my mom pick out two fabrics from my stash and set to making the baby sized blocks.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Kripalu 2024

There's nothing like a weekend away at Kripalu (which I can't believe was a whole week ago).  Beautiful area, great food, even better company and some yoga to top it off.   

Each time I go there's always interesting things to discover and rediscover.  This time I found a tiny little shrine by the parking lot.  I wondered how long it had been there and I had just passed it by.  I rediscovered a few places that I love - swinging chairs and hidden shrines (although I found out a few shrines had been taken down).  The hammocks were new!  I got a chance to spend some time in one of them, swinging in the breeze and watching the clouds.  To top it off, there was so much green!  We usually come before the wisteria is in bloom; I enjoyed sitting under the purple blooms.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Spring Pignic 2024

A pignic!  First one I've been to since October 2019.  It was a small gathering of maybe a handful of boars and twice as many sows.  Members of the Pig Patrol reminisced about a pignic from years ago that had over 70 guinea pigs attend (and who knows how many humans).  This year's event hearkened back to our very first pignics.

It was great to see each of the Pig Patrol people in action.  I was also amused that my original Dustpan of Doom™ has been duplicated (and they both came in handy).  For those not familiar with the device:  a human should never stick a bare hand to separate guinea pig disagreement.  They're likely to come with worse wounds than any of the guinea pigs.  The dustpan can be inserted between the opposing parties, and as they wonder how this blue wall appeared, one of the pigs can be safely scooped up or convinced to go elsewhere.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

I Like Thursday: May's Finishing Touches

Gardening seems to be taking up most of my spare time, so I don't have much to show for my quilting creativity.  Projects are clamoring for my attention.  May has been a wonderfully productive month with so many things I enjoyed (and to share with I Like Thursday).

Rob had been telling me of a covered bridge in Greenfield (after our covered bridge adventure last December).  Friday's weather was so nice, he took me on a quick tour along the Green River.  We came across a lot of people enjoying the sunshine and the cool water.  I can certainly imagine plunking myself down by the water for a quiet afternoon.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Headboard Headway

I'm still working on Mom's headboard.  It's been really difficult figuring out how to quilt this two color mystery quilt.  Even after deciding to straight line quilt it, I changed my mind about the pattern at least twice.  

I got started last week.  It looks alright, but not inspired.  I'm hating the process though.  Save me.  I haven't used a walking foot in ages, so the first two sections are all ripply.  Probably need to rip those and do it again.  I don't like the machine I'm quilting on (it's the only one with a walking foot).  There's so many stops and starts.  I can't wait to have it done and I'm only halfway through it.  Ugh.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

I Like Thursday: May Musings

May!  Already so chock-a-block full I'm writing my Like post before the end of the month!  Time to share with LeeAnna and friends at I Like Thursday

Ahhh... first kayak outing of the year.  A beautiful evening, and early enough in the season the pond wasn't choked with weeds.  I love being able to explore the nooks and crannies along the edge of the pond (and check out the beaver lodges).